As CEO of my own company, ACFairbank Consulting, a sole proprietorship, I offer over 40 years of experience as a translator. Having received my linguistic education in Vancouver, Quebec, California, France, Switzerland, Spain and Belgium, I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in French and Spanish from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada as well as a Master of Arts in Translation from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California, USA.
With English as my mother tongue and fluent in French and Spanish, after working as an in-house translator and interpreter for almost 20 years, I turned to freelancing as a translator, interpreter, writer, editor and proofreader in 2005. I am a certified Spanish to English translator via exam of the Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (STIBC), Canada as well as a Certified Member by affiliation of the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC). Furthermore, I am a certified French to English translator by exam of the American Translators Association and a certified Spanish to English translator of the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec.
An avid reader of mostly fiction in English, French and Spanish, I average about 100 books a year!
Title | Translate into | Role | Rating |
Main translator
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Main translator
Author review: Angela est une traductrice hors pair! Elle a tout de suite su le ton à donner au récit et ce, dès les premières pages de la nouvelle. Beau travail, vraiment. Merci beaucoup, madame Fairbank! |
Main translator
Author review: Madame Angela Fairbank, est une excellente traductrice,du fait de la qualité de la traduction, des rapports de communication, du respect des délais, et enfin de l'empressement pour aider à la commercialisation. Merci à Madame Fairbank, je la recommande à tout auteur qui désire avoir un travail bien fini. |
Main translator
Author review: c'est la première fois que je fais traduire ce roman, Lovely Planète que j'ai écrit il y a dix ans. Angela Fairbank a réussi a trouvé le ton, le rythme de mon style. La traduction est à la fois très fidèle et bien adaptée. C'est un réel plaisir de relire ce livre en anglais, de retrouver mes personnages. La rapidité et l'efficacité d'Angela n'ont d'égale que son professionnalisme et sa gentillesse. Encore merci pour votre excellent travail. Mirelle HDB |
Main translator
Author review: Tellement content de la traduction de madame Fairbank que j'ai publié le texte tout de suite, avant même de la remercier pour le service rendu! Remettre la traduction dans les temps convenus n'est pas un problème pour cette traductrice et la communication est excellente. Merci, Angela. Du vraiment bon travail! |
Main translator
Author review: Bonjour Madame Angela, j'ai toujours su que vous étiez la meilleure, Qualité, et ponctualité Je vous remercie encore une fois, vous êtes un model!! |
Main translator
Author review: Punctual, precise, attentive and careful translator. I really liked Angela's work. |
Main translator
Author review: It was wonderful working with Angela. Great insight, great advice, and most of all, great work. We discussed spellings (US or UK?), and idioms, and lingos. I love that one of my characters has the Yorkshire accent, and it's so real. I loved rereading my book in English, it's like discovering my story all over again. Thank you so much, Angela. :-) |
Main translator
Author review: ¡Extraordinaria! |
Main translator
Author review: ¡Fantástica traducción! Ángela ha hecho una traducción fabulosa, cumpliendo todos los plazos y manteniéndose continuamente en contacto durante toda la traducción. Algunos ejemplos que evidencian su gran trabajo son: - Just like every morning, Craig was waiting for Helen to walk to school. It was barely three hundred meters away, but he wasn’t going to miss the only opportunity he had all day to talk to her. Unfortunately, although they were in the same grade, they were in different classes. Craig was madly in love with the girl, and just walking by her side was an honor. - “Don’t even think about raising your voice to me!” Rose Anderson warned her daughter. Helen, not wanting to give up so easily, looked at her mother sarcastically and smiled defiantly. Then, to make her position clear, she crossed her arms. “I’ll do what I want,” she said. “You can’t order me around.” They’d been arguing for over ten minutes and Rose was exasperated. She had always been a patient woman, but her fifteen-year-old daughter tended to be extremely insolent. ¡Mil gracias, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: Ángela ha hecho un trabajo fantástico. Muy amable y responsable con los plazos. Conversación fluida durante todo el proceso. 100% recomendada. |
Main translator
Author review: Once again, it's a pleasure working with Angela! This is our second collab, and Angela is always careful sticking to my characters, going beyond when needed, working around US/UK spellings and idioms. Thank you for your enthusiasm, Angela. It means a lot! |
Main translator
Author review: En lisant les dix pages test, j'ai tout de suite aimé le style d'Angela: elle a parfaitement adhéré au rythme du roman, au ton et à l'ambiance, au point que je lui ai confié sans hésiter la traduction de mon deuxième roman et lui proposerai, en toute confiance la traduction du suivant... |
Main translator
Author review: Al igual que en las ocasiones anteriores, Angela ha sido extraordinaria. Gran traducción y en tiempo récord. Muchas gracias. |
Main translator
Author review: Ángela ha hecho un trabajo estupendo, siempre respetando los plazos de traducción y manteniendo una comunicación fluida a lo largo de todo el proceso. Además, es muy colaboradora con la difusión del libro una vez publicado. ¡Completamente recomendada! |
Main translator
Author review: Como siempre, ha hecho una traducción fantástica. Algunos ejemplos de ello son la traducción de "Durante toda la hora no se ha escuchado nada, salvo el sonido de los lápices al escribir en las libretas" a "The classroom has been quiet for a whole hour … except for the scratch of pencils writing in notebooks". Otro ejemplo de lo natural que se sienta para el público nativo es la traducción de "Los cuatro detectives miran al interior de las clases y la situación se repite. Ven niños tirándose de los pelos, pataleando en el suelo, llorando sobre sus pupitres o, simplemente, con la mirada perdida" a "The four detectives look inside each classroom and see that the situation is the same everywhere. Children are pulling their hair out, kicking on the floor, crying on their desks or simply staring ahead blankly." ¡Mil gracias, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: I love Angela's style and how she understands even the meanings hidden behind the words. The communication with her is very easy, direct and really friendly. And she works so fast. I have been very lucky that my first translator was Angela Fairbanks and my last translator will be Angela Fairbanks...if she agrees ! She already translated my two first books and she accepted to translate the third one. I will submit the fourth one to her when finished. |
Main translator
Author review: Otra estupenda traducción de Angela. Ha respetado los plazos y mantenido contacto continuo durante toda la traducción. Algunos ejemplos de su buen trabajo son la traducción de "Su maestra de Lengua se llama Laura y ahora mismo están haciendo una redacción de lo que hicieron el fin de semana" a "Laura is their Language Arts teacher and their current assignment is to write about what they did over the weekend" y "Hugo no se ha traído ninguna manzana, ninguna pera y, desde luego, ningún limón" a "Hugo hasn’t brought any apples, pears or, of course, lemons at all". ¡Muchas gracias! |
Main translator
Author review: Fantástica traductora. Como siempre, un trabajo impecable. Algunos ejemplos que evidencian una excelente traducción son "The quite famous class of little monsters has been transformed completely" y "Since Peter sits in the front row, he’s able to observe Circuits very closely. It’s quite something all right. Its body’s made of stainless steel and it’s as hard as stone" Mil gracias |
Main translator
Author review: Gran trabajo de Angela, como siempre. He aquí un ejemplo de su fantástica traducción: Dalmatians are amazing dogs. In fact, they’re SUPER WONDERFUL dogs. If you don’t agree, tell Gabriela. Throughout her life, Gabriela has always had Dalmatians. In fact, when she was born, there was already a Dalmatian at home waiting for her. His name was Pombi, and he was her father’s pet. Pombi was almost like a brother to Gabriela: they played together, did homework together, went for walks in the park together, and even ate together. |
Main translator
Author review: Très habituée à mon style, Angela traduit avec exactitude et fluidité les évènements, les situations et les sentiments. La communication avec elle est très facile et elle tient parfaitement ses délais. Une traductrice à recommander. Merci Angela |
Main translator
Author review: Angela ha vuelto a hacer una traducción de gran calidad, cumpliendo los plazos establecidos y manteniendo comunicación en todo momento. Traducción a un inglés perfecto. A continuación pongo un ejemplo de su gran trabajo: "The little monsters arrive at their classroom and take their seats in silence. Not one of them dares say a word. They’re all staring at the new teacher. There’s something odd about him. Something different, but they can’t figure out what it is." |
Main translator
Author review: Otra traducción perfecta de Angela. Por poner un ejemplo: They’re on their own. Just the three of them. Four, if you count Snowy. Snowy’s their dog. A very large German shepherd. She’s still quite young so she spends all day making a mess and nibbling on everything she finds. Matthew looks at his brother Anthony, then at his father and finally at Snowy. Snowy’s sitting next to him. Her tongue’s hanging out. Matthew strokes her head. She’s a very good dog. ¡Gracias por tu maravilloso trabajo! |
Main translator
Author review: La traducción de Angela es de gran calidad, lo he testado con la opinión de un profesional independiente. Espero volver a trabajar con ella en el futuro. |
Main translator
Author review: Otra impresionante traducción de Angela. Rápida y siempre respetando los plazos previstos. Una gran profesional. He aquí un ejemplo de su traducción a un perfecto inglés: Thinking she would be scolded by her mother, her father, or by both, Daisy followed them downstairs. After arriving on the ground floor, they walked out into the garden where, to her amazement, something mysterious was awaiting her. “What’s that?” Daisy asked, astonished. An enormous object was standing in the center of the garden. She didn’t know what it was because it was hidden beneath a white tarpaulin, but she was sure it was a surprise because a shiny red bow was tied at the top and a label that read FOR DAISY was stuck on one side. ¡Muchísimas gracias! |
Main translator
Author review: Muy buena traducción de Angela, cumpliendo todos los plazos y finalizando en un breve espacio de tiempo. Una traducción perfecta. Por poner un ejemplo: Henry always sits next to his father and observes everything in silence. He wants to learn. “Go ahead, Ms. Snake. Ask me anything.” Mike speaks very slowly because that’s what wise people do. They take their time and think about every single word. “Well, you see, something very strange is happening to me and I’m quite worried about it,” the snake explains. “I woke up this morning and ... well, look!” ¡Muchas gracias por todo! |
Main translator
Author review: Extraordinaria traducción. Como siempre, Angela ha cumplido con todos los plazos y ha presentado el trabajo final en tiempo récord. Y todo ello, con una traducción perfecta. Como ejemplo de ello, pongo el siguiente extracto: Crumpet gets up and starts barking. “What’s the matter, boy?” Jamie asks. “What’s wrong?” Crumpet continues to bark, which is unusual for him because he normally only barks for something really important. Jamie closes his book and stands up. Crumpet runs across the garden and up to a bush. He stops in front of it and barks louder and louder. Muchas gracias. |
Main translator
Author review: ¡Una traducción de 10! Perfecta. He aquí un ejemplo de la calidad que ofrece Angela: The group ate in complete silence. The darkness was absolute, and gusts of icy wind shook them persistently. Finally, they had no choice but to light a campfire. If they had to die, at least they’d leave this world with warm backsides. The men stood around the flames. They had no words to exchange or stories to remember. Nor did anyone offer to hunt anything: it was too dark, and the risk was too great for a piece of fresh meat. No. They’d fill their stomachs with their salted meat supplies. So that’s what they did. They chewed mechanically. From time to time, someone would get up to take a drink from the creek they’d been following for several days. ¡Mil gracias! |
Main translator
Author review: Traducción de gran calidad, como siempre. Aquí va un ejemplo: “You should lower your voices,” Sean reproached them, untying the belt to which Python, his broadsword, was attached. “Do I need to remind you that the Swamp of the Penitent isn’t far from here? You don’t want to attract the attention of any nameless beings, do you?” That put an end to all their conversations. Without a word, the men spread their cloaks over the muddy earth and began their evening meal, which consisted of more salted meat. ¡Muchas gracias, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: Estupenda colaboración, como siempre. Pueden ver la calidad de su trabajo en el siguiente ejemplo: My recently acquired state didn’t cease to surprise me, but what happened one day would be a turning point. It was a morning like any other and as I was walking, I could sense that every step I took was bringing me closer to my ex-wife and daughter. I was experiencing a mixture of feelings difficult to describe: some anxiety, a pinch of impatience and, in particular, a great deal of fear. ¡Gracias de nuevo, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: Fantástica, como siempre. He aquí un ejemplo de su impecable trabajo y traducción a un inglés nativo: Lazarus del Río is watching television—or at least he’s trying to. After a long period of doing absolutely nothing except existing on canned food and cheap beer, he thinks turning on his TV might be the best (and simplest) way of showing interest in the world he still occupies. The screen powers up and Lazarus shuts his eyes, momentarily dazzled by the sudden flash of light. Ever since coming home, Lazarus hasn’t left his house. He has declared war on the world outside and is now firmly convinced he’ll never leave his 2,000-square-foot duplex again. He has everything he needs inside, and thanks to the internet, he can pay his electricity and water bills—and buy everything else he needs—from home. Lazarus is sitting on his living room couch, and, even with half-closed eyes, is watching the news anchor on his 45-inch HD-Ready LG. She’s pretty. She sure is. Brunette, brown eyes, white skin, just like he prefers. He’s sitting on the couch listening to her. She’s telling her viewers about an organized gang that specializes in stealing high-end vehicles and is warning residents in a specific neighborhood of Madrid to be extremely cautious. Lazarus breathes, relieved, although he knows he’s not totally safe. He’s waiting for the next piece of news. Thank you so much, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: Maravillosa, como siempre. Aquí un ejemplo de su trabajo: “What am I doing here?” he wonders out loud, closing his eyes. “And what am I supposed to do now?” Sonny stands up again, ready to keep on walking when, all of a sudden, he sees two eyes. Two black eyes, as tiny as olives and as shiny as pearls. It takes a while for Sonny to understand that these eyes belong to an Arctic fox. Since the fox is white, it’s perfectly camouflaged by the ice and snow surrounding it. ¡Muchas gracias! |
Main translator
Author review: Incroyable ! Angela a fait un travail remarquable ! Les délais étaient parfaitement tenus. Les échanges en toute bienveillance. C'est avec une grande émotion que j'ai pu lire mon livre en anglais. Fluidité et respect de la version originale sont au rendez-vous. Vous n'avez aucune raison d'hésiter pour travailler avec Angela. D'ailleurs, j'espère pouvoir lui proposer d'autres romans <3 Tout simplement, merci ! |
Main translator
Main translator
Author review: Angela est une traductrice de qualité. Elle prend le temps d'expliquer ses chois dans la traduction, de donner des conseils. Elle pratique ce métier depuis des années et avec bienveillance. Elle a fait preuve de patience car mes retours ont mis du temps à arriver. Merci beaucoup pour cela. Je la recommande vivement. |
Main translator
Author review: Maravillosa traductora, como he podido comprobar en varias ocasiones. He aquí un ejemplo de su traducción a un inglés nativo: I was born in 1850 in Austria. The first thing they did was take me to a store. At that time, pianos were the most popular instrument, and everyone who could afford one wanted a piano in their home. They put me next to the store window in a very good spot where I could watch people walk up and down the street. I remember how boys, girls, women, and men would glue their foreheads to the glass and stare at me in awe. That’s because at that time I was very handsome. Before opening up the store that day, they cleaned me from top to bottom, and removed the very last specks of dust. As a result, I was looking spectacular and gleaming. Many people couldn’t resist and entered the store just to have a closer look at me. Some of them even played me. ¡Muchas gracias, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: Muy buena traductora, rápida y cumplidora con los plazos. Comunicación fluida durante toda la traducción. La calidad de la traducción es fantástica, traducida a un perfecto inglés nativo. He aquí un ejemplo: Martin leaves the school building outraged. He’s very frustrated. In fact, right now he’s walking home and, because he’s angry, every time he sees a stone, he kicks it. “It’s crazy!” he says. “Utter nonsense.” Martin’s seven years old and in second grade at elementary school. His teacher’s called Josefina and she teaches many subjects: Math, Language Arts, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. And to top it all off, she also teaches Spanish. You might say he spends more time with Josefina than with his family. Thanks to Josefina, Martin can read, add, and subtract ... but what Martin can’t stand are lies! Lies are the worst. ¡Muchas gracias, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: Muy buena traductora, tal y como demuestra con cada libro que traduce. A continuación, expongo un ejemplo de su traducción a un perfecto inglés nativo: Martin has decided. From now on, he’s not going to do any exercise. Why’s that, you ask? Well, because exercise is useless. If you’re not convinced, just take a look at panda bears. Do panda bears practice gymnastics? Do panda bears ride bicycles, do push-ups, or go to the gym? Of course not! And the best argument of all is they don’t need to because exercise is useless. And panda bears are just one example. ¡Gracias, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: Otra perfecta traducción de Angela a un perfecto inglés nativo. He aquí un ejemplo de ello: Let me introduce you to all its occupants. On the first floor, there are werewolves, which means they also have the castle garden to play in. This is a very good thing indeed because werewolves play just like dogs do: they chase each other around, they dig in the dirt and, when there’s a full moon, they spend the entire night howling. ¡Muchas gracias! |
Main translator
Author review: Superbe traduction de notre romance historique écossaise. Des dialogues bien pensés. On se croirait dans Outlander ! Un régal de travailler avec Angela. N'hésitez plus. Elle saura prendre grand soin de vos mots ♥ |
Main translator
Author review: Angela es de las mejores traductoras que he conocido en Babelcube. Siempre atenta y eficaz y realizando un trabajo de excelente calidad traducido a un maravilloso inglés nativo, tal y como puede apreciarse en el siguiente párrafo: Marcus is a penguin. But not just any penguin. He’s an Emperor penguin and, like any self-respecting Emperor penguin, he lives in Antarctica. Everything’s white there and it’s very cold, but Marcus doesn’t mind because he has a thick layer of feathers. He’s also very chubby. Being plump is particularly important when you live in Antarctica because the fat beneath your skin helps you stay warm. Marcus is incredibly lucky, in fact, because he’s quite handsome. Just yesterday he ate an entire squid all by himself and, as if that weren’t enough, this morning when he went swimming, he caught some fish. |
Main translator
Author review: Traducción impecable. He aquí un ejemplo: It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. Well, actually, it’s not quite five, yet. There are still two minutes to go, but Lola has no time to lose. She springs out of bed and starts running. She crosses the hallway as quick as a flash and arrives in the living room where William’s getting ready. Lola glances at the clock on the wall and is relieved to find there’s still one minute left before the big hand reaches the twelve. It’s a good thing she’s not late! Lola goes to her cushion at her master’s feet and lies down. She smiles. She can’t stop smiling. These are the happiest seconds of her life. William strokes her little head with his long fingers and sits down on the piano bench. He then picks up a book with a green cover and turns the pages very carefully. It’s as though he were afraid of damaging the paper. Traductora 100% recomendada. ¡Muchas gracias, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: ¡Perfecta traducción y en tiempo récord! He aquí un ejemplo de la calidad, traducido aun perfecto inglés nativo: Tessa’s seven years old and she loves unicorns. It’s true. She adores them! If she had one in front of her right now, she’d cover it with kisses. Her school backpack has a unicorn on it, the case in which she keeps her pencils, erasers, and markers has lots of these magical creatures printed all over it, and, as if that weren’t enough, in her bedroom, she has several coloring books full of them. Whenever Tessa has some free time, she draws unicorns. She’s drawn so many over the years, she can do it with her eyes closed. No kidding! Yes, I’m completely serious. In fact, Tessa has already drawn many this way. It’s quite simple. She takes a black marker and a blank sheet of paper and covers her eyes with a blindfold. Then, unable to see anything at all, Tessa draws a unicorn as adorable and as tender as her smile. ¡Gracias, Angela! |
Main translator
Author review: Did I tell you how much I love your translations? No! I shall say now it has been a pleasure working with you, Angela. Ease of communication and the correct deadline. Thank you very, very much! |
Main translator
Author review: Encore merci, madame Fairbanks, pour cette autre traduction ! Un beau travail, transmis dans les délais, et une excellente communication ! Disons que c'est vraiment apprécié de cet auteur ! Thank you! |
Main translator
Author review: Du travail impeccable avec un grand soucis du détail. Je recommande fortement. |
Main translator
Author review: Angela est une traductrice hors pair! Elle est à la fois rapide et rigoureuse, une perle rare. Elle a traduit 3 romans pour moi et je la recommande fortement. |
Main translator
Author review: Un travail remarquable! |
Main translator
Author review: Una excelente traductora de español a inglés que destaca por su precisión y habilidad para capturar el tono y matices originales del texto. Su trabajo es fluido y natural, permitiendo que el mensaje llegue a un público angloparlante sin perder la esencia original. Comunicación fluida durante la traducción y rápida con los plazos. Ofrece traducciones de gran calidad. He aquí un ejemplo: Nora’s seven years old. Her hair’s blond. She owns a dog and a cat. She’s also slept with a teddy bear ever since she was young. In fact, Nora has many things, but there’s something she doesn’t have, has never had, and, of course, will never have, and that’s patience. Yes, that’s right! And that’s because Nora doesn’t like wasting time. Her parents don’t know what to do with her. Last week, they signed her up for dance classes because Nora suddenly decided she wanted to be a professional ballerina. |
Main translator
Author review: Una gran traductora con precisión lingüística y gran entendimiento cultural. Angela logra que las traducciones suenen naturales y auténticas. Su trabajo se caracteriza por un estilo fluido, atención al detalle y compromiso con la calidad, tal y como puede verse a continuación: Lucy’s seven years old. She has brown hair and is in second grade at elementary school. Her favorite subject is Physical Education, and her favorite food is spaghetti with tomato sauce. Lucy has a younger brother, Nick, who’s only four years old. And because he’s so small, he still can’t read or write. Lucy’s real name is Lucia, although everyone calls her Lucy. And her brother is actually Nicholas, but everyone calls him Nick. “This is the letter A,” Lucy explains to her brother. “And if you put an M in front of the A it becomes MA.” When she’s older, Lucy wants to be a teacher and that’s why she sits down with her brother every day to teach him things. |
Main translator
Main translator
Author review: Angela es una profesional excepcional en la traducción del español al inglés. Su trabajo destaca por su precisión, fluidez y sensibilidad para captar los matices del texto original. No solo traslada las palabras, sino también el estilo, el tono y la esencia de la obra, logrando así que la lectura en inglés sea tan natural como en su idioma original. |
Title | Translate into | Role |
Main translator
Main translator