wlsbooks books (publisher)

profitable books in many languages

Wlsbooks books

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Não estamos aceitando novas traduções, obrigado pela compreensão.


We publish quality short ebooks in potentially profitable niches, on evergreen topics, thus enabling translators to make a profit with their art.


book on etiquette, job hunting, table manners, netiquette etc.
short ebook for the gay public
short ebook on goals and how to achieve them
short book on Free Time, Leisure, Vacation, Staycation, Travel
tips for frugal living. how to save money
what intelligence is and how to improve it
short book on "long distance relationships"
short book on "love signals" and relationships
(PT-BR) ebook sobre minimalismo
(PT-BR) técnicas de memorização
(PT-BR) pequeno ebook sobre óleo de coco
(PT-BR) macetes de estudo
(PT-BR) livro básico sobre PNL
Productivity Tips and Hacks for Busy People
short ebook on speed reading
how to create streams of passive income
(PT-BR) como viver frugalmente e economizar dinheiro
simple book on weight loss
