The Secrets of the Jews (What Christians don't know about the Jews) by Bernard Levine

My family does not want to know me because I believe in Jesus.

The secrets of the jews (what christians don't know about the jews)

For anybody that has ever longed for and wished to tour the land of Israel, for all those who love the Jewish people and have been yearning to find out more about their religion and way of living, for every Christian who loves Jesus and would like to learn more about His Jewish roots….this unique book is packed with lots and lots of very special gems!

Genre: RELIGION / Judaism / General

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Christian Education / General

Language: English


Word Count: 15,041

Sales info:

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#153821 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles

Sample text:

My secret was discovered

On Sundays, we often went to visit my Dad’s brother.

'Where's Bernard?' my Uncle asked my Dad...doesn't he want some cake and a cold-drink?

'There he is, at the pool, reading a book'.

'Bernard, what book are you reading?'

'Uncle, I'm reading the Bible and reading all about Jesus'

'What! Does your father know what you are reading?'

'I want you to get yourself off my property...right now...immediately...I'll get your father to take you home...I will not have anyone reading about Jesus on my property!'

My family does not want to know me because I believe in Jesus.

You see, I was brought up in the Jewish faith and Jewish people are not allowed to read the New Testament and they do not believe in Jesus.

Because of this, the Jewish people do not celebrate Christmas or Easter...instead they celebrate the Holy Days recorded in the Old Testament like Passover, Day of Atonement and the Festival of First Fruits.

The first time I went to Church, was when I was in my forties....I was too scared to let the Jewish people know I believed in Jesus. I was also confused and never knew which Church to go to...I couldn't understand why there were so many different Christian Churches and what the difference was between them all...I heard some the names of the Churches like Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Protestant, 7th Day Adventist, etc but it all seemed so strange to me.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Delaney Hall
Author review:
The Secrets of the Jews (What Christians don't know about the Jews) is the most popular book that I have written...and Delaney Hall's adaptation is worthy of the highest every way, exceptionally brilliant!
Already translated. Translated by N'DOUA Diby Gaston
Author review:
This is my most popular and talked about book and N'DOUA Diby Gaston's interpretation is worthy of the highest endorsement.
In every respect, N'DOUA's translation remains true and authentic to the original.
I am impressed and very grateful!
Already translated. Translated by Simona Trapani
Author review:
Simona is a translation prodigy passionately producing high quality creative content....Simona's literary text is the work of a maestro!
Already translated. Translated by Ligia Maria Ribeiro
Author review:
An outstanding translation from a very gifted lady. It doesn't get any better than this! Ligia's skills are highly recommended.
Already translated. Translated by Karina Tamayo S.
Author review:
I will never forget what Karina has done for me...when others didn't want to translate this book because it's not an easy subject and because of the length of the book, Karina took the project on and created a masterpiece....Karina, is truly a very gifted and clever Spanish Translator.

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