Public Policy Formulation and Analysis by Shahid Hussain Raja, Nissa Shahid

3rd Edition

What is a public policy,why and how these are formulated and what are the features of a good public policy

Public policy formulation and analysis

Defines the public policy and describes its various faetures.Lists the steps involves and procedure adopted for formulation of a public policy in the country.It then explains the charateristics of a good public policy and ends with the examination of public policies process in a developing country like Pakistan.

Genre: EDUCATION / General

Secondary Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / General

Language: English

Keywords: Public Policy, public Servant, Bureaucracy

Word Count: 51,000

Sales info:

It has just been published;as such it does not have good ranking in terms of sales

Sample text:

During the last few years public policy studies have been receiving a lot of attention in the academic circles all over the world for diverse reasons. Besides the increasing awareness about the role and importance of public policy formulation and implementation in tackling the multifaceted challenges being faced by every country, the main reason for this interest in public policy issues has been the increasingly assertive role of the civil society organizations and the media. They want to know the way public policies affecting a common man are formulated and the manner in which governance apparatus works so as to enable them to make informed judgments and take appropriate actions.

Public policy formulation has gone a metamorphic change during the last three or four decades due to rapidly globalising world. There are at least four ways in which globalization is affecting the policy formulation in each country. Firstly, thanks to social and electronic media, small issues which a decade or so ago could only find place in the back page of a national newspaper become breaking news in major global channels creating advocacy and sympathy movements in different parts of the world. Secondly, with the rapidly globalizing world, global issues like environmental degradation, climate change, GMO, etc., which were only discussed in the corridors of power are being debated in the drawing rooms of countries and creating strong advocacy movements among the population.

Thirdly, centers of actual power and decision making are shifting from local to global level with the outreach of domestic interest groups to their sympathizers in international organizations, multinational corporations and those in the governments of global powers. This outreach enables them to force their own government to accede to their demands because of economic and political clout of the global players. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Mohamed Zaim
Author review:
Mohamed Zaim translated my ebook "Public Policy Formulation & Analysis" into Dutch. It is a very faithful translation, encapsulating the essence of the original rather than transliteration. And he did within the timeframe agreed upon. Thank you. Regards. Shahid
Already translated. Translated by John Wannecke
Author review:
John Wannecke translated my ebook ."Public Policy Formulation and Analysis" into German. It is an excellent translation and John strictly followed the terms and conditions we agreed upon. Thanks. Shahid
Already translated. Translated by Georgios Archontis
Already translated. Translated by Loris Palmitesta
Already translated. Translated by Emanuel Guedes Santos
Author review:
My book "Public Policy Formulation and Analysis" was translated into Portuguese by Emanuel Guedes Santos.I must say it is very faithful translation,done by Santos in a very short time and with lot of dedication
Already translated. Translated by Dr. José Pedro Galindo Macías
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I have the privilege of engaging Jose Pedro Galindo Macias for translating my EBook " Public Policy Formulation and Analysis" translated into Spanish. I am glad to report that he did a marvelous job and that too well in time.
Already translated. Translated by Helén Hedlund
Author review:
Helén Hedlund translated my e-book “Public Policy Formulation and Analysis” into Swedish. I must say it is a very faithful translation that kept the essence of the original intact. What was really satisfying was the time schedule she kept. Thanks

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