Breaking Generational Curses: Claiming Your Freedom by Gabriel Agbo

This book will open your eyes to the consequences of all our actions to our destinies and that of our children; even those yet unborn. The subject of curses has long been neglected, and we found it necessary to expose them. We begin by going into the scri

Breaking generational curses: claiming your freedom

This book will open your eyes to the consequences of all our actions to our destinies and that of our children; even those yet unborn. The subject of curses has long been neglected, and we found it necessary to expose them. We begin by going into the scriptures to know exactly what God has to say about them, how they operate, and how we can be free from them completely. Generational curses are so important that God included them in the table of the Ten Commandments. 

It is a fact that many, including Christians today, are suffering under the consequences of disobeying Gods commandments and expectations. So many are bound by the enemy with unseen and unidentifiable instruments of bondage. In this study, we will be taught how to break these chains which originate from the enemy. We explore deeper into areas like idolatry ( Including Halloween), immorality, treachery, stealing, murder, etc. I believe that as you read this book and explore its truths, there will be a stirring in you to examine your self and make deliberate efforts to live a holy life, if not for your self, at least for the sake of your children and the generations yet unborn. May God Bless you as you read this book and I ask that you read it with an open heart and mind that your understanding might be sharpened to what is really around you.

Genre: RELIGION / General

Secondary Genre: HISTORY / General

Language: English


Word Count: 30,000

Sample text:

     One of the things that attract divine curses that will always run generational is idolatry. Idolatry is simply giving God’s place or worship to other things. It means leaving the creator to worship the created. This worship could be to Satan, spirits, demons, angels, humans, animals, etc. Or to their inanimate representation in rocks, stones woods, images, objects, etc. Any form of diversion of God’s place and worship to any created being or object is idolatry.


     The only worship that God accepts is the one that is coming to Him through His only begotten son Jesus Christ. Anything short of this will definitely attract God’s punishment (curses). God hates idolatry with passion. No wonder He has always said that it is distasteful and abominable to Him. He calls it spiritual adultery, spiritual harlotry and union with demons.  And the Bible has always identified Satan as the Devil; who is the head of all idolatry and occultism.


      So, every time man goes into this, he is simply pushing God aside to worship Satan (one of God’s created beings).   

   Satan was one of the angelic beings in heaven, but was cast out because of disloyalty (treachery). He thought of overthrowing God his Creator. He courted God’s throne and worship and as a result, he was banished into everlasting condemnation. And up till today, that hunger to receive worship has not left him. This is exactly why he leads man into diverting God’s worship to things and objects; which he is always the remote and ultimate beneficiary. 

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Already translated. Translated by Mignionette Fair
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Great work! Thank you!
Already translated. Translated by Teresa Jong
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Already translated. Translated by Niko Randell
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Fantastic! You are a great blessing. A wonderful translator - Fast, efficient and accurate!
Already translated. Translated by Bodart Christine
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Already translated. Translated by Anna Kalinska
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Always doing a great job! You are very hardworking and focused. I totally recommend Anna Kalinska.

Already translated. Translated by ioanna kormouli
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Already translated. Translated by Ionica Monticelli
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Translation in progress. Translated by Alanis Bucog
Translation in progress. Translated by Rose Nana
Already translated. Translated by Leandro Camargo Padilha
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Already translated. Translated by Lilian G. Selvaggio
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Great work! Lilian is a very hardworking, humble and pleasant person. This is my second book she translated and it is great! A good partner. I recommend her any day!

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