Uncommon Success by Gabriel Agbo

Uncommon Success! God has destined you to be successful. It is your right. It is your nature. It is right there in your DNA. You have no excuse to be a failure.

Uncommon success

Uncommon Success! God has destined you to be successful. It is your right. It is your nature. It is right there in your DNA. You have no excuse to be a failure. All you’ll ever need to make it in this life are already implanted in you and are also embedded in the word of God. True. This book will open your eyes to this eternal truth. You cannot go through it and remain the same. 
You will find here topics like: You Can Succeed, Things Are Not Well? O’ LORD, God of Heaven, He Keeps His Covenants, Listen to my Prayer, Grant me Success and Favour, Vision-Plan-Work, Timing, Overcoming Obstacles, It is done! Learn the secret of the wealthiest man ever-lived, the most powerful man and the greatest king. And also prayers that will automatically put you on the success track. God did not design you to fail. He made you in His own image and likeness. That simply means that if He is a success, then we must also be. You are born and saved to succeed! 

Genre: RELIGION / General

Secondary Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / General

Language: English


Word Count: 22,000

Sample text:

Success is simply accomplishing your set goal or target. It has also been defined as achieving prosperity, good fortune. But we want to define it here as achieving divine purpose at a particular time, in a situation or in life. When you know the will of God for you or for others, pursue it and bring it to pass, then you have become successful. I choose this last definition because when you achieve your goals outside God’s will or the kingdom usefulness, you are not yet successful. True. God does not see you as a success.


 This means that success is not just about amassing wealth, material things, attaining positions or fulfilling your personal ambitions, etc. No! You can have all these and still feel very empty. But when you achieve God's purpose, there is always that joy, freshness, inner peace and fulfillment, divine approval and blessing that come with it.


  It is God’s will that we succeed in life. It is His will that we succeed in everything we do and He made that abundantly clear in the scriptures. You cannot walk with God and be a failure. You cannot walk in His word and fail. It is impossible! This is why Jesus said that nobody walks in the light (His word) and stumbles. True. Everything you need to be successful is in His word. This you will soon find out as we progress. I have personally read and followed the word of God and found out this ageless truth. But why must we succeed?


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Delaney Hall
Already translated. Translated by Claire Vovelle
Author review:
Very good Job! It was a good experience to work with Claire!
Already translated. Translated by Christine Wilhelm
Author review:
Great job and very fast!! Thank you!
Already translated. Translated by ioanna kormouli
Author review:
ioanna kormouli is simply the greatest and fastest translator I have worked with. She is very very efficient. Thank you again!
Translation in progress. Translated by Aman Kumar
Already translated. Translated by valentina staffieri
Author review:
Very good!
Already translated. Translated by Leandro Camargo Padilha
Author review:
Good job!
Already translated. Translated by Lilian G. Selvaggio
Author review:
Good translations as usual!

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