The Widow's Consoler by James Lawless

After the death of her invalid husband, a widow’s previously suppressed feelings for her late husband’s best friend surface to reveal what was a desperate course of action.

The widow's consoler

After the death of her invalid husband, a widow’s previously suppressed feelings for her late husband’s best friend surface to reveal what was a desperate course of action.

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Contemporary

Language: English

Keywords: loyalty, widowhood, invalid person, friendship, extreme action, suppressed love, three friends

Word Count: 4500

Sales info:

Just published

Sample text:

It was late summer when they bumped into each other again by the canal. He had been away, had taken leave soon after the funeral. He'd almost forgotten how petite she was, and she was still wearing what he presumed was the bereft look of the recently widowed. When he asked her how she was, she shrugged, skirting over it and said she had read his novel.

       How had she time to do that, he wondered, to concentrate on a work of fiction with all the grief at Finn's passing?          

       'About the recession and all the money wasted; it was so well drawn, spot on.'

       Clad in blue jeans, she still had a nice shape, he thought, despite the passing years.

       'I'm all on my own now. In that house.'




Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Saleem Rustom
Already translated. Translated by Oscar Romano
Author review:
Excellent work. Meticulous and punctual.
Already translated. Translated by aaa aa
Author review:
Débora is a conscientious and meticulous translator whom I highly recommend.
Already translated. Translated by Jose Saul Agis Garcia
Author review:
An excellent translator.

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