The Secrets of the Jewish World: What Christians Don't Know About the Jews, Book 1 by Bernard Levine

This book will open the door to exciting new discoveries about the secrets of the Jewish religion, traditions and the Jewish way of life.

The secrets of the jewish world: what christians don't know about the jews, book 1

This book will open the door to exciting new discoveries
about the secrets of the Jewish religion, traditions and the Jewish way of life.
You will discover
Why are Jewish women not allowed to touch or read a Bible?
What is Jesus’ surname?
Which letters of alphabet are printed upside down in the Bible?
Why do Jews not eat cheese-burgers?
What is God, the Father’s unique personal name that is left out of most Bibles?
What is the difference between Hebrew and Yiddish?
Are Jews allowed to kneel in prayer?
Are all Jews the same? Are there different religious Jewish sects?
Is there a special prayer that is said before going to the toilet?
Why can’t women sit together with their husbands in the Synagogue?
How do you witness about Jesus Christ to a Jew?
Do Jewish men dance together with women?
For all those who love the Jewish people and have been yearning to find out more about their religion and way of living, for every Christian who loves Jesus and would like to learn more about His Jewish roots….this unique book is packed with lots of very precious secrets that are now revealed!

Genre: RELIGION / Christianity / General

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Judaism / General

Language: English


Word Count: 2673

Sales info:

The Secrets of the Jewish World: What Christians Don't Know About the Jews, Book 1

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1361 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 30 minutes (12-21 pages) > Religion & Spirituality
#6189 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Bible Study & Reference > Bible Study
#24638 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Bible Study & Reference > Bible Study

Audible Audio Edition

        Current Sales Rank: #114,363 in Audible Store        


Sample text:

Why are Jewish women not allowed to touch or read a Bible?

The Bible or Torah is a holy sacred book, and when women are experiencing their menstrual cycle they are in an unclean state….because we do not know when a women is having her periods, the Rabbis have made a law that a woman cannot touch or read the Bible as she would be defiling the sanctity and purity of the Holy Book in her unclean condition. So, what must a woman do if she wants to read God’s Word…she has to ask her husband, her father, her brother or any man to read the Bible to her.  

Why do Jews not eat cheese-burgers?


You are not allowed to mix milk dishes with meat dishes at the same meal.

Steak cannot be eaten together with an egg …

When meat is eaten, you cannot have milk in your tea or coffee after your meal.                           


Is there a special prayer that is said before going to the toilet?

You are forbidden to pray whilst inside the toilet, but the prayer that the Jews pray speaks of asking God to open up the bowels so that they would be able to have release and to stand before God and serve Him.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Elmarié Smal
Author review:
Elmarie, has given my book a new life with her eloquent translation of my book.
I am deeply grateful and very impressed.
Already translated. Translated by Wilson Nkono Obame
Author review:
I am very impressed by Wilson's excellent translation of my book. Wilson's interpretation is a wonderful gift for all French readers. Highly recommended!
Already translated. Translated by Stefano Vazzola
Author review:
Stefano has delivered a true masterpiece! exceptional job well done!
Already translated. Translated by Zachary Watts
Author review:
In my wildest dreams, I never thought that I would ever see a book about the Jewish religion written in Japanese...but then, when I think about Zachary's rare talent and capabilities, I am not surprised.
Already translated. Translated by Melissa Maia Moscoso
Author review:
Melissa turns my books into 'must read' classics...a superior translation of the highest merit!
Already translated. Translated by Guillermo Alberto Cervantes Vindiola
Author review:
Guillermo, has delivered an excellent translation...I like it very much!

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