Olas by José Ramón Torres

“The only thing to be done with this country is leave it, once and for all.”


Ángel would have never pictured himself in a situation like this ─ hungry, tired, and unsure if he’ll live to see tomorrow. But no price is too high for his family’s future.

Waves plunges the reader into a world of dominoes and music, rum and cigars, sex and drugs, while weaving together three episodes of Cuban mass migration to the United States. A book about Cuba which doesn’t side with left or right, but with ordinary people, suffocated by circumstances. A tribute to modern migrants, their hopes and sacrifices.

This book was originally published in Spanish and has been translated into English, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Russian, with French in the pipeline. Looking for Afrikaans, Dutch, German, Japanese and Norwegian translators. The German translator would be able to benefit from a chunk of German target text (over 10 pages; accounting for about 6% of the book) which they’d be most welcome to reuse in their translation.

Looking for translators with some marketing skills and good contacts in their native countries, who will work hard to promote the book. To this end, I'll share with them the materials I’ve used in my own marketing campaigns, including email messages, facebook posts and tweets.

Ideally, I'd like 2 translators (translator + proofreader, call it what you will) to work on the novel so it is professionally edited and produced. No matter how good you are, there will always be things escaping your eyes! I could also accept individual translator as long as proofreaders, beta readers and other quality-check procedures are in place at the translator's end before delivery.

An interest in immigration, politics and Cuba in particular would greatly benefit the translators.

Genre: FICTION / Hispanic & Latino

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Political

Language: Spanish


Word Count: 62,927

Sales info:

The original Spanish version was released on Amazon 1 December, 2014, has got excellent reviews and reached the top 100 under several Amazon lists:

#9 in Kindle Store > Books > Literature & Fiction > World Literature > United States > Hispanic American

#53 Kindle Store > Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Politics

#93 Books > Fiction > Political

It's the right time to put this book out there in different languages, given the thaw in US-Cuba relations and migration crises in different parts of the world.

It's getting 5-star reviews in the US and also selling copies in Spain, the UK, Italy and France.


Sample text:

Ha llegado el día. Para hoy, 19 de abril de 1980, en conmemoración del XIX aniversario de la histórica victoria de Playa Girón, han convocado una gigantesca manifestación la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, la Federación Estudiantil de la Enseñanza Media, los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución y el resto de las aguerridas organizaciones de masas. Se calcula que más de un millón de cubanos desfilarán por la Quinta Avenida frente a la embajada peruana en apoyo a la Revolución y en contra de la escoria interna y el imperialismo. Es la “Marcha del pueblo combatiente”.

De regreso a su cuarto tras comprar el Granma de los dos últimos días, dos panes con croqueta y una botella de aguardiente, pues el dinero no le alcanzaba para ron, Ángel se encuentra en la parada frente a la barbería con la presidenta del Comité de Defensa de la Revolución en la cuadra.

─¡Angelito! Ven acá un momento. Mira que hace días que quiero hablar contigo, muchacho ─le dice la mujer, con un cigarro encendido en una esquina de la boca.

¿Por qué no ha ido a desfilar ella si hasta el gato está movilizado? No parece enferma. En cualquier caso, Ángel es consciente de que tiene las de perder en este casual encuentro, pues todos saben quién es de catadura moral dudosa entre él y la jefa del CDR. Y quién informa.

La mujer, en una bata de casa que deja ver el nacimiento de unos senos abultados y pecosos, lo aleja de la parada y lo lleva a un rincón aduciendo que hay mucho chismoso por todos lados. Entonces le suelta, en voz baja pero sin tapujos, que está bien enterada de lo de Mireya.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Unavailable for translation.
Already translated. Translated by Daniela Maizner and Astrid Stangl
Author review:
Daniela and Astrid are independent, resourceful, and very professional in their communications. They submitted their German translation of my Spanish novel before its deadline. A pleasure to work with.
Already translated. Translated by Stella Kotzampasaki
Author review:
Very happy with translation process and result. As a translator myself, I highly value the independence, seriousness and attention to detail shown here. A very good, professional job. I'd definitely repeat the experience!
Already translated. Translated by Giacomo Ludovico Bellomare and Angela Federica Ruspini
Author review:
Translator Giacomo Ludovico Bellomare and editor Angela Federica Ruspini have done a very good job with my novel. They have both shown independence, seriousness and attention to detail. As a translator myself, I am happy with the result and also with the process, which has improved the source text and made me a better writer. An enriching experience, which I definitely recommend.
Author review:
Patrícia Susana Cornejo Chamorro and Jerusa Andrea Cornejo Chamorro make a very good team. They are a pleasure to work with: independent, resourceful, fast and very professional. They do pay attention to details in format (like MS Word styles in the different types of text) aside from content. Highly recommended!
Already translated. Translated by Adelaida Arias
Author review:
Adelaida is a true professional. She’s fast, accurate, independent, resourceful and active in marketing the book before publication. Highly recommended!

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
