FOOD YOGA by Paul Rodney Turner

Nourishing Body, Mind & Soul

How to nourish your body, mind, and soul

Food yoga

- Learn how to make food part of your spiritual journey
- Take back control of your dinner table
- Learn the ancient yoga practice of mastering the senses
- Get practical guidance on obtaining a healthy body, mind, and soul
- Learn about the sacred geometry of food

FOOD YOGA not only offers practical guidance on how to live a healthy and happy life by reconnecting with nature, but also introduces the reader to the power of food as a uniter and a medium for expressing our love for the divine. 

Food yoga springs from the belief that the kind of food we eat affects our consciousness and subsequent behaviors. 

All the world’s great spiritual traditions have elaborate food offering rituals carefully designed to expand consciousness and all use food as a means to represent or please the Divine and to expand the consciousness of their followers. 

Food yoga is, in essence, a discipline that honors all spiritual paths by embracing their core teaching – that food in its most pure form is divine and therefore an excellent medium for spiritual purification.

Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Healthy Living

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Spiritual

Language: English

Keywords: yoga, health, spiritual

Word Count: 85,801

Sales info:

The book has a 5-star rating on Amazon and has been consistently selling. 

Sample text:

This journey in raising consciousness begins with and ends with the tongue. Never underestimate the power of the plate or the power of the spoken word. What you put on your plate is as much a political statement as it is a mirror of who you really are. You can tell much about a person by what comes out of their mouth when they speak and what they consume as food. Food for Life founder Srila Prabhupada often gave the example of a dog on a throne. “If you throw a shoe, then the dog will leave his throne to chew the shoe,” he chuckled. Similarly, although an individual may claim to be enlightened or a great moralist, actions speak louder than words, and soon enough those actions will always reveal their true nature.

The Bible says: “The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.”

The tongue will always lead the other senses either to purity and thus liberation, or to debauchery and thus perpetual entanglement in sin.

In this spirit, FOOD YOGA provides a Food Offering Meditation that encapsulates the core lessons learned along the journey, while also respecting the need for the individual to be able to use this meditation within the context of their preferred spiritual tradition. FOOD YOGA aims to do this by teaching universally accepted principles of science and spirituality and not dogma.

In FOOD YOGA, I also share my personal experiences as a young monk and student of India’s Vedic culture of hospitality, while also drawing from numerous scientific and religious sources to provide a believable framework to elevate the act of eating from the shackles of the mundane to the liberating embrace of the transcendental.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Tochukwu Benedict Ezeifekwuaba
Already translated. Translated by Angelica Hagen-Resch
Author review:
Excellent job
Already translated. Translated by Nicoletta Cadetto
Author review:
Nicoletta is great to work with
Already translated. Translated by Vinicius Peixoto
Author review:
Thank you
Already translated.
Already translated. Translated by Laura Sifontes
Author review:
Thank you.
Already translated. Translated by Anneli Erkkonen
Author review:
Well done and the formatting was also good

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