S.M. Muse (author)

Heir of Nostalgia chronicles the trials and tribulations of a young man in search of his family, his country as well as his place in the world.

S.m. muse


After meeting Frank Herbert, author of the acclaimed Dune Series, I decided the life of writing was for me. That was about 30 years ago, I've been writing ever since. Heir of Nostalgia is my first published novel, and thanks to the encouragement of my loving wife Janet, is the first in a series chronicling the trials and tribulations of young man in search of his family, his country as well as his place in the world. I am pleased to present it here, for your reading pleasure. I truly believe in the gift and wonder of reading, I hope you do as well.

Here's to the land of wonder, an air of Nostalgia, and childhood memories. May we never grow too old to dream...

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Heir of Nostalgia chronicles the trials and tribulations of a young man in search of his family, his country as well as his place in the world.
And she was all alone, in an airport full of bustling people, with her belongings on her back and a heart full of sorrow and pain—and longing… a longing to return home.
