Elvio Ravasio (author)

Italian author

Elvio ravasio

Elvio Ravasio was born in Lecco in 1964 and moved to Milan during the 1980s.

He has always loved comics, which he still collect, is an active reader and has a passion for movie and cartoons.

He approached writing uniting these passions thus feeding a leading thread between the worlds of fantasy and superheroes.

The resulting fluid narration and dynamic genre actively involve the readers who get immediately carried away by the story​

In my mind, writing is like a journey where there’s no single light at the end of the tunnel, but rather a succession of luminous sources which turn on along the way. A quest for the appropriate word, the best technique, the most poignant adjective to make my novels compelling. An evolution of my discourse combined with my own personal growth in order to create the perfect story.


Scrivo per passione, cerco di trasmettere la stessa emozione che provo mentre racconto le mie avventure. Immagino la scrittura come un percorso nel quale non si veda la luce alla fine del tunnel ma un alternarsi di fonti luminose che si accendono lungo il tragitto. Una ricerca della parola giusta, della tecnica migliore, dell’aggettivo più incisivo per rendere il racconto brillante. Un evolvere della dialettica e una crescita personale finalizzate alla ricerca della storia perfetta.

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Epic and heroic fantasy
Epic and heroic fantasy
Epic and heroic fantasy
Epic and heroic fantasy
