Cassandra Malaparte (author)

Sci-fi and post apocalyptic writer. I write about future and ethical implications related to our every days choices.

Cassandra malaparte

I was born in 1989 in a little country in the center of Italy. I've always been a strange kid, maybe because I just was like this, maybe because having lost my family in my childhood made me like this. Sure thing is, I found myself in books or maybe, I found a way to escape from reality in them. I don't exactly know either I don't care. I have read everything valuable out there and I came to a point where nothing interested me anymore. So I started writing and it is what I mostly do right now. As I say in my twitter account, I write about various thing but not about good feelings. I'm not good with them and I find them overrated in this time and age.

User links: Website Facebook Twitter


Lilith esce dall'orfanotrofio in cui era rinchiusa e deve capire cosa fare della sua vita.
Un androide viene infettato da un virus che gli dona consapevolezza della sua esistenza. Cosa ne farà di quell'esistenza?
Yasuhiro deve fare i conti con la responsabilità di capofamiglia e con un potere troppo grande
Ukyo è un krypsos e in quanto tale è nato per essere un guerriero. Ma se non fosse tagliato per quel destino?
