The Adventures of the Lone Jack Kid: The Buffalo Hunt by Joe Corso

President Grant asked the Lone Jack Kid to meet Grand Duke Alexia and escort him safely to Nebraska where he will join Buffalo Bill Cody and General George Custer in a buffalo hunt.

The adventures of the lone jack kid: the buffalo hunt

Charlie Longstreet, AKA The Lone Jack Kid, and his blood brother, Wild Eagle, Chief of the Kaw Indians, take the old abandoned Butterfield Overland Stage route west, but danger follows them. Although the old route is perilous and fraught with danger. It takes them in a straight line through Indian Territory and by the shortest route through Texas and into California…but on their way to California, they must stop in El Paso. 

President Grant has asked the Lone Jack Kid to meet Grand Duke Alexis in San Diego and then escort the young Duke to Nebraska, to join General Custer, General Sheridan, and Buffalo Bill Cody in a buffalo hunt. 

The Lone Jack Kid and Wild Eagle’s journey takes them through Indian Territory, to Fort Smith, Fort Belknap, Horse Head Crossing, and down to El Paso, Colorado City, and Yuma, and then into California, but the adventure doesn’t end there. Read on and follow the award-winning series to its exciting conclusion.

Genre: FICTION / Westerns

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Historical

Language: English


Word Count: 63,043

Sales info:

This is the third book in the western series which takes place just after the civil war. It is ranking at present at:

#354 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Classics > Western

Sample text:

October 1871

Fort Smith, Indian Territory

Charlie sat in his rocking chair on his porch, sipping good whiskey and smoking a good cigar. He made a mental note to himself to buy another box of Cuban cigars the next time he went to town. He pondered how fate worked. Here he was back in Fort Smith, thinking of when he was on the trail of the three men who had bushwhacked him. He had stopped at this fort, which was now scheduled to be closed. Presently, it was operating with a skeleton crew of five hundred soldiers instead of its usual full contingent of fifteen hundred men. And now fate had brought him back here as the Indian Agent. No matter, he thought as he leaned back and watched the sun slowly sink below the horizon. He was reminded of the talks he had with Father Riccardo Sanchez when he was recovering from the wounds he received after he shot it out with four men by the fence that led to Virginia City. Nothing short of God’s hand could create the rainbow effect produced by the waning orb as it morphed into a kaleidoscopic multitude of colors. It was breathtaking to watch, and a privilege to be here nightly to experience this dazzling display of God’s palette. When the last of the sun disappeared, nighttime came suddenly and almost without warning.

Although Charlie took his duties as Indian Agent seriously, he was getting that old traveling itch again. The days seemed to be getting longer and he longed to be on the trail. He corresponded with Percy once or twice a month to see how he was getting along. He and Janie were now the proud parents of a little girl they named Charlene in honor of Percy’s friendship with Charlie. Other than Percy and Ned Buntline, Charlie didn’t have any other close friends. Oh, he had a lot of acquaintances but no really true friends. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Marlette Taljaard and Annemi Huygen
Translation in progress. Translated by Janardhan Marappa
Already translated. Translated by Matteo Serrago

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