Summary & Study Guide - NeuroTribes by Lee Tang

The Legacy of Autism

The must-read summary of "NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity" by Steve Silberman

Summary & study guide - neurotribes

A Comprehensive View of Autism Past and Present

This book is a summary of "NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity" by Steve Silberman.

In NeuroTribes, award-winning science journalist Steve Silberman changes the societal conversation about autism with a groundbreaking and comprehensive history of this much-talked-about but little-understood condition. The book reveals the perfect storm that led to the sudden increase in diagnosis beginning in the 1990s. It describes how parents were bombarded with conflicting and misleading information on the causes and potential cures of the disease. Rather than searching for potential causes and risk factors, we should embrace the concept of neurodiversity to build a better world for autistic people.

Read this book and learn more about autism from multiple perspectives—parents, scientists, activists, and the autistic people themselves.

This guide includes:

Value-added of this guide:

Genre: STUDY AIDS / Study Guides

Secondary Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Psychopathology / Autism Spectrum Disorders

Language: English

Keywords: aspergers syndrome, high functioning autism, autism diagnosis, engaging autism, understanding autism, autism autobiography

Word Count: 15,000

Sample text:

In May 2000, Steve Silberman, a science Journalist and author of the book "NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity," attended a "Geek Cruise"—a technology conference on board the ocean liner Volendam. He found out the fellow passengers were not just a group of IT experts, but a tribe of digital natives who invented the modern digital world. Several of them also had children with autism, a rare neurological disorder as portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in the movie Rain Man. He soon learned that there was in fact an epidemic of autism in the Silicon Valley.

The autism disorder was first discovered in 1943 by a child psychiatrist named Leo Kanner in Baltimore. Kanner noticed that eleven of his patients seemed to inhabit private worlds, ignoring the surrounding people. He named it autism - from the Greek word "autos", which means "self". It describes the conditions in which a person becomes an "isolated self."

Autism was also independently discovered a Viennese pediatrician named Hans Asperger. In 1944, Asperger described four young patients who seemed strangely out of touch with other people. He used the term "autistic psychopathy" to describe their conditions. Unlike Kanner's patients, these patients spoke eloquently and displayed precocious abilities with science and math. Asperger called them his "little professors."

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Already translated. Translated by Ariane Zabaleta
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