Self-Discipline: How To Guide To Increase Self-Discipline And motivation with Confidence by Hugh Charan

(68) How To Guide To Increase Self-Discipline And motivation with Confidence

Self-discipline: how to guide to increase self-discipline and motivation with confidence


This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to use self-discipline to ensure that you can change your life and reach any goal you set your mind to.Everyone has goals that they want to reach in their lives, but so many people have given up on setting and reaching those goals because they have no idea how to succeed. 

Life has ups and downs because anything that does not have ups and downs, does not exist or it’s not alive. Life will throw challenges at you, again and again, and again. The difference between people who succeed and achieve their full potential and those people who just play the victims, lies strictly in their mindset that makes them react in a certain way to problems. The problem is that we live in a world full of victims, people talk a lot more than they take action. 

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 19810

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Sample text:

You should now have a higher level of clarity about what it will take to achieve your desired outcome. With clarity of course comes more certainly, and with more certainly it becomes easier to muster up the self-discipline needed to stick with the actions you set yourself to get the job done. However, as with all journeys you will inevitably confront obstacles that will test your discipline and resolves. Ask yourself:

Given my goal, what obstacles could stand in my way?

What specific things could sidetrack me along my journey?

The less compelling reasons we have for achieving something, the more likely we are to become sidetracked along our journey. Therefore, in order to avoid getting sidetracked, you must specifically write down why you want to achieve your desired outcome. For instance, you could ask yourself:

Why specifically do I want to achieve this goal?

Why specifically do I want to develop this habit?

Why is this of primary importance for me right now?

Why do I really want this in my life?

What are the potential rewards I will gain from doing this?

As you are answering these questions it’s important that you don’t just settle on one or two reasons. Keep building the WHYS! The more compelling reasons you have for accomplishing your desired outcome the easier it will be for you to discipline yourself along your journey.

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Already translated. Translated by Juliana Letti

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