Seeds of Light Handbook by Rev. Lena Sheehan, Eileen Sheehan

A Seeker’s Aide for Consciousness Expansion

An easy to follow handbook for those who are seeking to expand their spiritual awareness.

Seeds of light handbook


Written by Rev. Lena Sheehan, Cht. ND, Seeds of Light Handbook is an easy to follow handbook for those who are seeking to expand their spiritual awareness.  Covering topics that include self-healing, spirit guides, hypnosis, and meditation and manifestation.

Genre: SELF-HELP / Spiritual

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Spirituality

Language: English

Keywords: spirit guides, self healing, manifestation, meditation, death, ghosts, after life, body maintenance

Word Count: 15,546

Sales info:

This is a new release on 1/10/2023

Sample text:


The purpose of this handbook is to help you awaken to a new and more progressive state.  It contains some basic information to spur memories that are inherent within and around you.  You have available to you, either embedded within your DNA or within the vibrations of the planet, all of the information that you might need to lead a balanced, fulfilling, spirit filled life. 

Over the last 30 years of my aiding others with enhancing their awareness in order to better embrace themselves (as well as my studies and learning for my own benefit) I have found that the topics I address in this handbook seem to be the best triggers.  They are, by no means, all that there is to know and understand.  They are a jump start to help you get on the right path so that you can grow and progress as a consciously enlightened human being and enjoy a beautiful, and joyful life.  By doing this, you are aiding not just yourself, but the planet and, to go one step further, the universe.

Please note that the majority of this information that I’m sharing with you is something that I whole-heartedly believe.  There are, however, a few bits of information that I have gathered that I am still wrapping my head around to determine whether or not they blend with my reality.  Even so, I felt that it was wrong for me to eliminate these facts as they might be perfect for you. And, who knows, thanks to the benefits of meditation and spirit contact, by the time this handbook is published I just might be on board with it all one hundred percent. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Charnell van der Westhuizen
Already translated. Translated by Marcelo Gil Machado
Author review:
Marcelo is my "go to" translator. He's fast and easy to work with. Highly recommended.

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