Raiders of Vanok by Ty'Ron W. C. Robinson II

"A New World of Science-Fantasy Adventures."

Raiders of vanok


The second book of the Prodigious Worlds imprint. Set in an opportune time, Vance Harlan seeks out into the stars in search for new life outside of Earth. Traveling across the stars, Vance abruptly enters a wormhole, transporting and crashing him into a world of space pirates and hybrid beasts. Vance learns of the new world as he is presented to the world of Vanok.

Included with this title is New Order of The World: An EverWar Universe Short Story and the first three chapters of Mark Porter of Argoron.

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Adventure

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Space Opera

Language: English

Keywords: Raiders of Vanok, Vance Harlan, Calypso, Vanok, Science-Fantasy, Pulps, PulpRev, Space Opera, Space Exporation, Space Pirates, Science-Fiction Fantasy, Pirates in Space, Atlantis in Space, Prodigious Worlds, Mark Porter, Argoron

Word Count: 20638

Sample text:

Vance could feel himself being pulled into the light and the ship with him. Vance kept his eyes shut from the blinding white-then-blue-then-red light. In a short spot of chance, Vance took a peek and saw the light was in fact a wormhole. A smile had formed on his face as he and the ship were sucked in and the light was gone. As if it was nowhere to be found. Like it was never in the stream of asteroids.

Within seconds, the ship was forced out of the wormhole with such speed, the ship had crashed onto a planet. Vance was calm, yet angry of his ship’s damage. Exiting the damaged ship. Vance looked around, realizing he could breathe in the air. He looked down, seeing soil and grass. He grabbed the dirt and looked closer. It appeared to be no different than the soil on Earth.

“Shit!” Vance said. “Crashed back down to Earth.”

While sighing in anger, the sound of a rushing wave crashed behind him. Vance had turned, looking at what he cold tell was a shoreline and the waves were crashing in with such force the ground had not flooded. Confused, he took a glance up to the sky and noticed it was a strange color. Not like the blue sky of Earth, but a very light greenish sky mixed with a layer of blue.

“What the hell?”

Vance had turned around to find himself quickly surrounded by beings that appeared to be hybrids. They had the upper bodies of animals and lower bodies of humans. They held what Vance could perceived to be guns toward him as he held his arms up. Somewhat shaking in fear. Not from the guns. One of the hybrids that appeared to be a Leopard-Man stepped forward, measuring Vance. He nodded.

“Take him back to the ship!”

“Ship?!” Vance said. “What ship?!”

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Matteo Serrago
Already translated. Translated by Guilherme Dias
Author review:
Guilherme did an excellent job with translating this science-fantasy adventure! A recommendation for any of your Portuguese translation works.
Already translated. Translated by Cristina García

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
