OldEarth Neb Encounter by A. K. Frailey

Historical Fiction & Science Fiction Blend on OldEarth Book Three

Oldearth neb encounter

Raised in a world of wild beasts, craven spirits, and noble souls, Neb dominates everyone around him. His mother feeds his lies, his father falls before him, and his brothers flee. Only in love does he meet a force he cannot resist. His wife bears two sons who take opposite paths. Neb's curse follows both. Heaven and hell await their answer. Through the eyes of three alien worlds, so does the watching universe.

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Alien Contact

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Historical

Language: English

Keywords: alient life, relationships, universe, faith, supernatural, scientific morality, overcoming trials, generational curse, love, hate, life lessons, good and evil, humanity, planet earth, moral questions, justice and mercy, androids and cyborgs, space exploration, personal growth, humor, ancient world, early humans, spiritual life

Word Count: 98,025

Sales info:

Just published so it is not ranked yet.

Sample text:

Chapter One




For Those Who Come After



Gizah stepped outside her home into the glaring sun, balancing a food tray, two bowls, and a carafe of wine in her arms. A long yellow dress with wide, fringed sleeves draped her pregnant figure as she stopped before a wooden table built onto the exterior wall. Laying the tray laden with boiled fish, bread, and fruit next to the carafe, she tilted her head and smiled at her handiwork. A shout in the distance turned her gaze.

Her husband worked alongside five other men in the north field, a band holding back his long black hair and sweat gleaming across his shoulders. Amin hunched over the golden wheat and cut the stalks with a swift, steady hand. He called to another man and wiped his brow. Laughter erupted from the group.

Gizah grinned as a picture of her father Aram filled her mind. Aram and Amin were so alike, strong men who ruled their clans with skill and wisdom—yet so bewildered by their own souls. An ache swelled somewhere deep inside. She clasped her chest and shook her head to drive away the sense of loss. Aram had been a gentle father and a wise friend, and though years had passed since his death, still she longed for his presence.

Glorious sunshine cascaded over the undulating grasslands of their village, and a warm breeze stirred the distant line of river trees. Insects buzzed in late summer activity, and birds chirped and cooed their end-of-the-season songs.

Inhaling a cleansing breath, Gizah blinked away old memories and tried to rejoice in the glorious setting. She rubbed her rounded belly and smiled at her husband, but a memory rose and shadowed her mood. Her lips moved in silent rhythm as she repeated the names she and Amin had discussed the night before: Neb, Enosh, Kenan, Madai…

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Daniele Giuffrè
Already translated. Translated by Cristina López
Author review:
Cristina translated three of my OldEarth series books in quick time. She did a complete job, though I had to follow up and format the pages. Easy to work with and a good communicator, she replies to messages efficiently and is very helpful.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
