Mini Farming: A Beginners Guide To Mini Farming by Nancy Ross

A Beginners Guide To Mini Farming

Mini farming: a beginners guide to mini farming

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...


Simple Tricks to Maximize Your Space
Best Plants for Mini Farming
Picking the Right Soil
Pest Control
Taking Care of Weeds
Livestock That Does Well with Mini Farming?
Tips to Make Mini Farming Easier
Much, Much, More!

Genre: GARDENING / General

Secondary Genre: GARDENING / Reference

Language: English


Word Count: 10,000

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Sample text:

Mini farming is a great way for you to get back to nature and enjoy all the bounty that life has to offer. Many people who choose to go with mini farming are those who want a big farm of their own but who aren’t able to find or afford a place and others just want to enjoy all that life has to offer in their current limited space and to lower their dependency on the modern world. No matter the reason that you choose to go with mini farming, it can be a great experience for the whole family.


This guidebook is going to take some time to look over mini farming and how you are going to be able to get started. We will take a look at all the different aspects of mini farming including why it is such a big movement, how to plan out the farm and get the most out of your limited space, which plants to grow, and even the best livestock to have on this limited amount of space. The process may seem overwhelming at first, but you are going to find it is a great way to bond with your family, grow some of your own foods, and have some fun.


When you are ready to get started with mini farming, take a look through this guidebook and learn everything that you need to know to do a great job and get the most out of even the smallest areas! 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Marlies Perman
Already translated. Translated by Dalila P.
Already translated. Translated by Emanuel Guedes Santos
Translation in progress. Translated by Jazibe Herrera

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