Meditation: Mindfulness Guide To Remove Stress, Anxiety And Depression by Adam Baskin

Mindfulness Guide To Remove Stress, Anxiety And Depression

Meditation: mindfulness guide to remove stress, anxiety and depression


book is enjoyable to read and easy to practice. As you practice these meditations, a long lasting sense of well-being, manifests in your life. You may notice a sense of joyfulness entering your life along with an ability to appreciate the many gifts that surround you. This book will help both the beginners as well as the advanced practitioners of meditation.

This frequency works on connecting and harmonising relationships and deals with our perceptions of love. It can help you to change the way in which you interact with the world so that you bring more harmony and balance in your life and can help with issues around self-love and acceptance, loneliness and emotional stability.

 It is a form of focused awareness that helps to prevent the runaway thinking that gives rise to physical and emotional hyper-arousal. The two meditations in this audiobook help us to develop this transformative quality of mindfulness and to practice acceptance of our present-moment experience in a non-judgmental way - in particular, with their emphasis is on learning to "be comfortable with discomfort". Although the meditations in this audiobook are Buddhist in origin, they can be practiced by people who follow any spiritual tradition, or none at all.

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Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen

Word Count: 17018

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Sample text:

              If hatred rises in the mind of a person, initially he becomes tense. Just like a piece of wood that has caught fire burns itself first, so when hatred for another person arises in our mind, we should realize that its first destructive effect is for our own self. If we think of throwing some mud at another, we soil our hands first by touching that mud. Likewise, hatred first defiles the person in whose mind it is allowed to arise.

              `It is scientifically proven today that uneasy thoughts that originate in our mind are felt by the physical body too. When anger arises in a person’s mind, the blood that is associated with his heart becomes impure too. This causes his physical appearance to become ugly. That is because of this physical change that a person however beautiful becomes unpleasant to behold. Here too it must be remembered that when ill will arises in a mind , the first to be affected is the one who initiates that ill will in the mind. The Buddha has stated numerous ill effects of anger. According to the Amguttara NIkya, the angry person is harmed in the following ways:-

One who has anger in his mind, has an unpleasant complexion even though he is well groomed and wears clean clothes. His countenance is unpleasant.

Though he may sleep in a luxurious bed, in his mind is ruffled and his sleep is restless.
What is not conductive to his welfare, he sees as good and vice versa. Thus, what is unworthy is seen as worthy and what is worthy is seen as unworthy. This misdirection leads onto many complications.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Maria Carolina Ayala

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