Meditation: How To Meditate Guide For Beginners To Increase Energy (Live Without Stress) by Dan Knoll

How To Meditate Guide For Beginners To Increase Energy (Live Without Stress)

Meditation: how to meditate guide for beginners to increase energy (live without stress)


This book of meditations for coaches in all sports has a different theme for each chapter and individual meditations on different aspects of the coaching mental game. Each meditation has some thoughts for your reflection and has a unique affirmation at the end, which you use for your meditation. You mindfully read the reflection and then meditate on the affirmation. The book includes chapters on performing in the zone, confidence, planning success, being a strong leader, having powerful conversations, dealing with barriers to success, have a powerful vision, training well, being health, being a free spirit, being centered and creative, and being mentally tough.

Meditation is scientifically proven to exhibit mental and physical benefits for those who take time out of their day on a regular basis to practice meditation. Some of the scientifically proven benefits of meditation include an increase in focus, which results in a decrease in anxiety and emotional stresses, and is great for people who suffer from anxiety or other mood-related disorders. For those that suffer from panic attacks, an extreme form of anxiety that is accompanied by feelings of dread and physical responses such as increased heartbeat and increased adrenaline, practicing meditation can help minimize these symptoms when in the midst of an attack, and may help to prevent future attacks. 

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Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism

Word Count: 8217

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Sample text:

Vipassana” is a Pali word that means “insight” or “clear seeing”. It is a traditional Buddhist practice, dating back to 6th century BC. Vipassana-meditation, as taught in the last few decades, comes from the Theravada Buddhist tradition, and was popularized by  S. N. Goenka and the Vipassana movement.

Due to the popularity of Vipassanā-meditation, the “mindfulness of breathing” has gained further popularity in the West as “mindfulness”.

 How to do it

[There is some conflicting information on how to practice Vipassana. In general, however, most teachers emphasize starting with mindfulness of breath in the first stages, to stabilize the mind and achieve “access concentration.” This is more like focused attention meditation. Then the practice moves on to developing “clear insight” on the bodily sensations and mental phenomena, observing them moment by moment and not clinging to any. Here goes an introduction, aimed for beginners. To know more I’d suggest following up the links provided or learning from a teacher (perhaps in a Vipassana retreat).] 

Ideally, one is to sit on a cushion on the floor, cross-legged, with your spine erect; alternatively, a chair may be used, but the back should not be supported.

The first aspect is to develop concentration, through samatha practice. This is typically done through breathing awareness.

Focus all your attention, from moment to moment, on the movement of your breath. Notice the subtle sensations of the movement of the abdomen rising and falling. Alternatively, one can focus on the sensation of the air passing through the nostrils and touching the upper lips skin – though this requires a bit more practice, and is more advanced.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Kohei Kudo
Already translated. Translated by Juliana Lopes
Already translated. Translated by Yael Garcia

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