Meditation and Creativity: Always New by Apo Halmyris

A pragmatic approach, offering a preparatory set of techniques for an attentive and safe road to meditation.

Meditation and creativity: always new

This second edition is stressing the pragmatic approach, offering a preparatory set of techniques for an attentive and safe road to meditation.
To become acquainted with some of the ways of stimulating creativity takes time, perseverance and attention. To learn the methods of meditation is demanding indeed, but a reward in itself.
Is this text a gradual practical course, or rather a contemporary path to continue the conscious self-discovery?
The discreet oil lamps set by the masters are still visible.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English


Word Count: 9997

Sales info:

Best ranking 1,827 ( 3-rd in its category of e-Books ) on June 2, 2014 free

76,597 on May 3, 2014 paid


Sample text:

There are moments in our lives when we are facing questions triggered by a stimulus or an external state of things and then arisen from within.
"What should I do?" or "Where am I?" . They might seem as being pushed by an internal pressure.

Those kind of questions have a powerful impact. They force you to turn towards your entire previously gained knowledge. Even if we cannot give a definite answer, we have to search through ideas, memories, through the whole of our experience.

The questions can direct the attention towards a subject.
The questions can create associations.

“What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun?”
( Ecclesiastes 1-3)
Usually, after such a question the silence should follow. It is a tremendously powerful internal – external – internal question, of a thoroughly open type and of a straight, direct essence.


But from a pragmatic perspective, for us it might be interesting to know : “Am I sapiens (wise) enough?”

Am I really aware? And for how much time during my days under the sun? Am I using fully these capabilities of a conscious being? Could I do something to think better, to take better decisions, to be more creative?


Every student shall meet the teacher he deserves. Vice-versa, every teacher will have in his nearest circle the students who have a certain affinity for the content and the style of his teaching. It looks like a problem of resonance.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Mariko Beaupre
Author review:
Mariko is trying to produce a perfect version of the text, offering to the original meanings the optimal forms of linguistic expression.
Attention and concentration on every detail made her translation irreproachable.
A perfect communication and working dialog in order to clarify all the aspects was revealing a rare professional approach.
The scheduling of the phases of translation was realistic, well founded and made clear all along the project.
Furthermore, I could positively appreciate her creative suggestions.
Already translated. Translated by Francesca Degani
Author review:
Francesca has proven again her high standard of professionalism .
A truly experienced translator and writer, she dedicated real attention to the book, caring and literally taking care of the text.
The phrases and the chosen wording were optimally attuned to the receptivity of the Italian readers.
She is solving the differences in language structures with a reliable and mature skill.
I had an experience of excellent collaboration work to clarify all the details, precise, to-the-point, and effective.
She has always been generously before the schedule, because of her impressive efficiency.
Already translated. Translated by Sara Maria Silva Oliveira
Author review:
Sara has a clear-cut professional approach to the text in front of her.
She has that much needed enquiring nature, extending her search even towards those cultural areas still not so familiar to her.
Already translated. Translated by Alicia L. Alonso
Author review:
It was a fruitful, efficient and pleasant experience to work with Alicia.
She has proven an attentive analytical capacity, combined with a general view of the whole text.
Deep concern about the nuanced meanings transmitted by the chosen wording.
Realistic planning for the stages of the translation work.
Excellent dialog in order to solve the key difficult points.

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