Leadership: Powerful Habits of Successful Leaders To Win At Business Management by Thomas Stewart

Powerful Habits of Successful Leaders To Win At Business Management

Leadership: powerful habits of successful leaders to win at business management


The majority of the exercises, role-playing simulations, and cases were developed in and for management training workshops. The cases themselves represent different industries and organizations around the globe with diverse size, product, service, and cultures. Instructors appreciate the multiple interactive teaching methods for each teaching module. Experiential methods provide a powerful stimulus for learning, growth, and change by helping participants focus on their own behaviors and reactions as data. The text begins with structured, less personal exercises that are readily recognized as relevant to human effectiveness in organizational settings. Personal growth and self-understanding activities are introduced later in the text, after students have had enough experience to become more comfortable and ready for them. The tenth edition of this book, like the previous editions, is designed to meet needs that other texts do not satisfy.


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Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: leadership, decision making, development, influence, principles, skills, styles, tips, management, business, Negotiation, Persuasion, Communication, goals, habits, personal growth, motivate

Word Count: 4739

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Is there really a need for motivation when it comes to leadership? Absolutely yes. So, what is motivation? Why is it important in leadership? Motivation itself is the process that is used that can influence a person to work towards their long term goals whether they are professional or personal. The thing that you need to know about motivation is that it isn’t something that you can see with the naked eye. It’s more of a mental act, and is something that you can feel rather than see. Motivation can describe how a person feel towards a certain task and is the driving force behind getting that person to finish the task they are set to do.

There have been several cases recorded when researchers have tried to study how motivation acts on the mind of a human and what it actually does to a person, but of course none of these studies have been successful. Researches have tried to come up with several theories on how motivation acts upon the human mind such as drive reduction theories and Maslow’s Hierarchy pyramid. These theories are as close to narrowing down exactly how motivation works as we’ll ever get.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Maria Laura Curzi

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