Eating On The Go: Traveling Lite by Roxanne Edrington

Eating-on-the-go is a healthy lifestyle habit that is important to master! As a society we've come to rely on processed, convenient and on-the-go meals.

Eating on the go: traveling lite

Eating-on-the-go is a healthy lifestyle habit that is important to master! As a society we've come to rely on processed, convenient and on-the-go meals. By sacrificing nutrition for ease and accessibility, we're ignoring the long-term consequences to our health. Many serious health issues are the result of poor choices made while eating-on-the-go. Some examples of these are high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. This is a huge problem and it is found all over the world! By learning how to make better food choices, we can potentially prevent or even reverse chronic illnesses from taking control of our life! In this book, I will teach you how to eat for success. Whether you're traveling on the road, eating at restaurants, eating in airports or staying in hotels, I will guide you on how to make better choices for your health. By following these principles, you will be able to make simple changes in your eating plan to be healthy and have more energy. People who have followed these basic guidelines feel fantastic!!

Genre: TRAVEL / General

Language: English


Word Count: 40,000

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Arianna Martin
Already translated. Translated by Fabiana Rodrigues Castelo Branco and Sara Maria Silva Oliveira
Already translated. Translated by JACQUELINE P. ROBLEDO LOPEZ

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