Dr. Val's Short Story Collection by Valerie Hockert

A collection of many short stories. You may be surprised at how some of these stories might reflect you or your real-life situation.

Dr. val's short story collection

A collection of many short stories. You may be surprised at how some of these stories might reflect you or your real-life situation.

Stories are filled with romance, abuse, sex, crime, memoirs and more. 

Genre: FICTION / Short Stories (single author)

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / General

Language: English


Word Count: 28,610

Sales info:

It has recently been produced as an audio book.

Sample text:

Why Joann Divorced Frank


“Frank, I’m home!” yells JoAnn as she dashes through the kitchen door from the adjoining garage.  She drops her purse and the mail on the counter, but takes some caution in placing her briefcase lid-side up, on top of a few weeks’ accumulation of newspapers and junk mail.  She quickly peers inside the oven.

“Damn it Frank!  Why didn’t you start the roast?”  she demands as she quickly scans the kitchen, and spots it among a pile of dirty dishes.  He never does anything I ask him to do, she thinks as she marches in a beeline toward the den.  “Frank!”

“Huh?” says the half-sleeping and somewhat lifeless body on the couch.  “You say something?”

“You damn right I did.  Why didn’t you start the roast?  You know I have to be at the meeting tonight at seven.”

“You damn right I did.  Why didn’t you start the roast?  You know I have to be at the meeting tonight at seven.”

“Meeting”?  asks Frank rather sheepishly.

“Yes.  The board meeting.”

“I’m sorry.”

I bet, says JoAnn to herself, as she storms off to the kitchen.  I’ll have to make something quick…let’s see…that rice dish.  “Damn, where is that pan?” asks JoAnn aloud as she looks for the pan she usually cooks rice in.  She spots the pan among the mountain of dirty dishes, then grabs a smaller one.  “This will have to do.”  Why couldn’t he wash the dishes, just once? She asks herself.

After having everything started on the stove, she reappears at the door of the den.  “Frank, please watch the rice, it’s about to boil...."



Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Romain Egio
Already translated. Translated by Giada Ribaudo
Already translated. Translated by Makoto Yamamoto
Already translated. Translated by Gabriela Sáenz

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
