Achievers Handbook 4 by Ikechukwu Joseph

over 100-inspirational-keys-to-fulfill your destiny

Achievers Handbook 4 of Achievers Best Guide Series Book 4 is a follow up to book one ,two and three

Achievers handbook 4Achievers Handbook 4 of Achievers Best Guide Series Book 4 is a follow up to book one ,two and three and contains over hundred Inspirational, motivational Keys and success nuggets that will help you fulfill your Destiny and harness your potentials. It is a wake up call for anyone who want to excel in life. This book will help you in problem solving strategies, to discover and harness your potentials.This handbook, business manual and success digests is a must and great read for those who want to fulfill their dreams. It is for business people, achievers, innovators, counselors, life coaches, leaders, workers, pastors etc.
Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Leadership

Secondary Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Entrepreneurship

Language: English

Keywords: achievers, achievers Handbook, success digest, business success's

Word Count: 10632

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Explore your strengths and work on your weaknesses Nugget No.1 – Walk and work in the next dimension - Think ahead, plan ahead of time and work in time. Move with the cloud of changes, technology and events if you want to remain afloat. But watch your back and the sides of your competitors. Improve on their ideas, correct their mistakes and shortfalls. Then implement your extra and new innovations to be ahead and on top. Always take stocks while in the next dimensions or next generation. Where are you today the first, the second, third, fourth, fifth or the next generation? Nugget No.2 - The successful and success look forward but failures talk of their predicaments - Think of going forward in life so think success. Failure can make you or mar you depending on how you look at it. If you look at failure as a lesson to learn from, then encourage yourself and defeat it but if you look at it from a defeatist, fatalistic and spineless attitude then it will drown you. Raise hope, think tomorrow, aspire success and move forward. Where there is a will they say there is hope but I say where there is a strong will is a propelling driving force to the rescue.

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Already translated. Translated by Cristina López

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