Mariela Saravia (author)

Loto Azul Terapia Gestalt
Mariela Saravia. Escritora Best Seller de romance histórico y thriller psicológico

Mariela saravia

BEST SELLING author with more than 12 years of writing...  Several books has been traslated to other languages. My narrative is fluid and poetic, embrazing and energizing.

I am poetess, writer and psychologist from Costa Rica. I was born on September, 1988. I write since my teens poetry and five years later I started writing novels. People who had  read my novels are really satisfied, they love my style and poetic lyrical voice in there. They also enjoy my dramatic and sensitive way to embrace them... Some readers compare me to Nicholas Sparks,  Maria Dueñas, Amy Tan and Isabel Allende, so it's a very dear and warm complement.  I have written and published several ebooks, that were best sellers....  

Experience on Amazon: On 2012 I published on Amazon Kindle and other retailers. To my surprise several of my books were on Amazon's top 100.  I've gotten very good reviews and happy readers. My first published thriller novel  was "Falsa Identidad" It is a romance thriller novel, with some horror and fantasy strokes. People who had read it got really surprised.  Same like Huellas del Pasado and La Mansion Ritter, two brand new novels, the first one is a crime series and the second one is a paranormal suspense novel. 

Romance novels with different subgenres I am a woman who loves reading and writing. I am very passionate and dynamic. I love to try new romance subgenres. I put some emotion in my romance stories giving them brushes of suspense, drama and fantasy. I like to give readers a fascinating reading time.

On 2015 I began to publish historical fiction romance novels like:  Lady Paula (ambience in 70's age)  "Preciado Secreto" its a historical romance novel, ambience during Civil US War. It's been very satisfying; creating new ambients and characters aside from contemporary romance. Lotus Pearl is a series too, a period romance story, during The Opio War. 

On 2016 I began writing in colaboration with my father. We published Cronicas de la Tercera Luna. Our firts epic fantasy saga. It has been an adventure, because either my dad nor me know he was a writer. He is actually an artist (painter, musician and sculptor) I inherit that gifts from him and his family. Knowing he is a writer like me is a heartwelming surprise. On 2017 we write together again, this time a thriller-fiction history novel La sombra del pasado and we are writing a second saga of fantasy.

"Helping people is my mission in life. Spreading creativity and love in my writing, is the best way to trascend.... 

I am looking to traslate my novels on differente languages, since I know my talent and quality of my job. I think I deserve to reach more readers than only spanish fans.

User links: Website Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Amazon


pueden las almas gemelas pactadas en su pasado, reencontrarse en un futuro muy lejano?
Una monja con poderes de hechicera y un párroco con ansias de dominio. Dos órdenes religiosas luchando con sus ejércitos épicos; dragones y Golems. Una novela llena de magia, secretos, luchas y muertes…
¿Qué harías por la mujer que amas?
Livian nos muestra su carácter fuerte, pero luego se va suavizando esa máscara, para dejarnos ver quién es ella en realidad. Una novela que te mantiene en vilo, presa de la intriga y que al final, te sacará más de una l
Un burdel con varias historias entrelazadas, un asesino serial y una reportera con su vida en peligro
Regina desea ser algo más que solo una esposa de casa, busca cambiar el mundo!!!
¡Dos épocas diferentes, un mismo enigma mortal… conocer la hora clave, podría salvar tu vida!
"Eres miedosa, mentalmente vulnerable. Alguien cercano quiere algo que tú posees... Y no tardará en conseguirlo a cualquier precio, incluso si de asesinar se trata"
Amor o contemplación?
la sangre es la pureza que lava toda inmundicia.
tres hombres y una chica, Quien sera el que merezca su amor?
Una historia de integración, revolución y profundo sentido humano.
Cualquier noche puede ser la ultima
¿Podrá el tiempo reunirles otra vez, para amarse sin rencores?
el amor entre razas siempre ha sido un castigo para cualquier familia de altura, e Ishi lo va a pagar por amar a su medio hermano...
“Para el verdadero amor, no hay edad… para los placeres de la vida no hay tiempo. Y para ser madre, solo basta con tener un corazón capaz de cargar con un hijo por el resto de su vida”
Un amor prohibido, una guerra.... Un diario personal que revelerá todo
"Un matrimonio orquestado a beneficio familiar, un amor prohibido... Infidelidad, pasión & muerte. Viajes en el tiempo, y un nuevo romance que podría cambiar la vida de Ben por completo"
