Labbra perfette by LOREDANA DE MICHELIS

con la ginnastica facciale Visotonic

Face workout for lips

Labbra perfette

This guide by Visotonic Method is a fundamental tool for reshaping the lips. The most effective techniques have been chosen, omitting exercises which are superfluous or have little effect, so you can learn everything you need following these exercises. The appearance of your lips will improve visibly in less than three weeks and you will then be able to take care of them forever.
The book is written in italian and self published. I'd like to translate it in spanish, as I have another book on the same subject in that language and it is selling pretty well.

Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Aging

Language: Italian

Keywords: lips, facial gymnastics, beauty care

Word Count: 13850

Sales info:

check the position and votes on page

Sample text:

Prima di iniziare, fai una fotografia alla tua bocca: scegli un posto preciso con una luce fissa, così potrai confrontare le fotografie che scatterai successivamente.
Sistemati davanti allo specchio in posizione comoda ma con la schiena eretta. Fai in modo che non ci siano distrazioni o situazioni di disturbo esterno. Rilassati e concentrati.
Pochi se ne accorgono, ma molti dei problemi estetici delle labbra dipendono da una contrazione di queste contro i denti, e dalle espressioni di costante tensione in cui blocchiamo molti muscoli del volto.  

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Susana Matos

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
