Patrick Wilson (author)

Author, Artist, Musician.

Patrick wilson Author, artist, musician. You could say I'm the creative sort. I'm incredibly passionate about my writing, my art and my music. I can guarantee you've never encountered a sense of humour like mine. I was born in Pembroke Ontario, and raised in neighbouring city Cobden. I've since moved from there but I still see it as home. I've enjoyed creating my own worlds since before I could read. I would make up stories and act them out with my older brother (and later on my younger sister) My favourite project in school was when we got to write a story. This passion expanded after highschool until I eventually crafted my first novel. I love brainstorming with other writers; I can spend hours talking about ideas and building new worlds. I mostly write adult fantasy books in the litrpg and gamelit categories. When I branch out, I like dark fantasy, thriller, paranormal and mystery.

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Two friends stranded in the desert confront their emotions and desires.
Victor died a hero—sort of. Now he gets to live again in another world, run on magic.
A crew of pirates and one wizard attempt a daring heist of the King's gold.
She loves her stepbrother...a little too much
Samuel discovers a coworker's dark, supernatural secret.
Months after foiling a plot to steal the throne, Victor is called before the King, for an important quest.
