Nuno Morais (translator)


An author who translates, who better to understand what you have in mind?

Nuno morais

I write fiction and I enjoy it tremendously. Unfortunately, this is not my main occupation.

How many of us can say they live off their writing, although this is probably a dream we all share? 

Before I started writing my own stories, I translated other people´s work, fiction mostly, but also some coffee-table books (do these count as fiction?) and some books about science (Carl Sagan comes to mind). Most of the time, though, I translate business documents and I act as impromptu interpreter between some of the languages I speak. This has given me a fairly broad spectrum of day to day vocabulary and current usage of these languages, which I find advantageous when writing, and consider a plus when translating.

I am a Portuguese native speaker, proficient in English, Spanish, French and Italian and conversant in Swedish. During my business career I have, at one time or another, translated and interpreted into all these languages.

Here I only propose to translate your fiction into Portuguese, as I believe fiction, more than any other writing, should be translated by natives of the recipient language.

Should this be of interest to you, let me know.


Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Swedish
Translates into: Portuguese

User links: Facebook LinkedIn Google+

Books fully translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
Con Nuno Morais avevo avuto, fin da subito, l'impressione di aver trovato un professionista e, soprattutto, una persona dalle molteplici qualità, tra le quali cito serietà e puntualità (ha anticipato di ben 4 mesi la consegna del manoscritto tradotto).
Lo consiglio vivamente a chi vorrebbe affidargli la traduzione del proprio scritto. Per me è stato un privilegio conoscerlo, e che abbia tradotto il mio libro!
Main translator
Main translator
Author review:
It is a pleasure to work with Nuno Morais.
Main translator
Author review:
Ottimo traduttore, lo consiglio!
Great traslater and beautiful work, highly recommended!
Main translator
Author review:
Main translator
Author review:
Nuno è un ottimo traduttore. Le sue scelte linguistiche sono sempre ragionate e condivisibili. È disponibile comunque a rivederle per trovare insieme all'autore la migliore soluzione possibile in modo che il libro non sembri una semplice traduzione, ma sembri sia stato direttamente scritto in portoghese.
