Luis A. Santamaría (author)

Fiction novelist

Luis a. santamaría

I was in my twenties when I started writing long stories. Since then, I have published 5 novels: "Reflejos en el espejo" [2012], "El secreto de Oli" [2014], "El aleteo de la mariposa" [2016], "Veinte veintitrés" [2017] and "Mensajes ocultos" [2019].

"El secreto de Oli", a contemporary thriller which remained several weeks in the TOP100 of the Amazon ranking, is the first volume of the saga Ambar, which have been recently finished by Luis.

The second volume of the saga Ambar was published with the title: "El aleteo de la mariposa".

His last publishing was "Mensajes ocultos", a suspense thriller.

Altogether, my works have sold around 4,000 copies throughout the world.

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Thriller de suspense y romance
¿Hasta dónde estarías dispuesto a llegar por ayudar a una desconocida? Un thriller psicológico de misterio y suspense
