laurence fisher (author)

Real life stories are always the best.

Laurence fisher

Laurence Fisher has been writing all of his life. He met his wife in a book shop. He has always loved books, and believes that all books are great but some are greater. His first book was published in 2004 and led to a book signing tour of the Mediterranean where his father had loved and nursed on Malta during World War Two. His second book was set in Poland during the Stalinist dark night of the soul that was the 1950s, a period when his mother lived in this country. A third novel completed this trilogy, known as Swimming With Ghosts.
Laurence went on to write a novel about a palm reader, Richard Grimm, again based on a real life clairvoyant and incorporating the incredible history of the Victorian palm reader to Hollywood and the Royal Family, Cheiro. This book is called The Seer and the drama unfolds in Wellington, New Zealand, where Laurence now lives. 
The fifth novel, Looking For Lina, is a contemporary love story set in Lithuania, 1920s London, and a desert in the future. Laurence is keen on original ideas, and commentating on the times that we live in. He would love to encourage his readers to think, and to question the reality we are currently served as acceptable. He says all of his novels are in fact love stories.
With two children of his own, Laurence is currently writing for children. No Picky Picky was released in 2015, and the first edition sold out quickly. It explores the wonderful places that Tom's finger ends up while exploring inside his nostrils to the continued dismay of his mother.
Laurence's new novel is titled Hillary and the Chocolate Mountain. An illustrated chapter book for children, it was released in November 2016.
Remind Me To Forget is now available in a new and improved third edition, and selling well in translation in Poland. Laurence would love to see this book available in more countries, and he considers it his proudest achievement.

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based on a true story
Based on a true story
conclusion of Swimming With Ghosts trilogy.
