karina pinotti (translator)


Living without knowledge is to survive without knowing!

Karina pinotti

I'm Brazilian and english language student, I have a great experience with translation of interviews and stories about musical groups, mainly for the band Lacrimosa, of which I am a big fan: www.lacrimaniacosbrasil.com.br, This site has about 100 translations performed by me.
I love learning new languages and also love reading books.
For me to perform book translation is something I do very easily.

Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English, Portuguese
Translates into: English, Portuguese

User links: Website Facebook LinkedIn

Books fully translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
She got the job done. Only as I've been going through it have I realized she used google translate for about 95% of it. Even names she sometimes forgot, having instances of Price (my main character) being changed to "preço" (the translation for the price of something) and the character Theresa being translated to "Ha um" (there is one).

I could have done the same job without sharing royalties. I didn't even realize she'd gotten the title wrong until after I approved it, and when I pointed it out to her, she apologized and told me her English isn't so great. I don't think you should be translating books then, dear. Punctuation is all over the place.

I'm quite a bit unhappy with this as now I feel I need a native to go back through and make sure it doesn't read like a computer.
