Jois Nigrisoli (translator)


My ability is based on actual experience. Just try me.

Jois nigrisoli

I was born in Italy, where I studied Tourism and later got a degree in Political Science. Being a born nomad I have lived, studied and worked in the United States, U.K., Spain, Argentina, Netherlands, Slovenia. I have been translating three way English-Spanish-Italian for 20 years now. My latest translations are the book Terra Nova the revolution of love by Dieter Duhm (En-It). The following article (Sp-En) though I am only credited for the revision: Cursed sculptures, forgotten rocks: the history of Hangzhou’s Feilaifeng hill The following website (En-Sp): I have a sincere love for languages, for a job well done and for being on time.

Native language: Italian
Translates from: English, Spanish, Italian
Translates into: English, Spanish, Italian

User links: Facebook

Books fully translated by this user:

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Main translator
Author review:
Un trabajo excepcional, muy profesional y con un terminado muy cuidado. Totalmente recomendable
Main translator
Author review:
Ottima comunicazione, tempi di traduzione brevi e lavoro molto buono. Molto soddisfatta.

Canceled translations by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
Great translation! Great translator! Keep up the good work!
Main translator
Not provided
Main translator
Not provided
