João Rosa de Castro (author)

My name is João. I was born in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, have been writing since 1992 and consider myself finally prepared to have my books translated. I wrote some prose and poetry books that have been published in Internet.

João rosa de castro

João Rosa de Castro has a degree in Languages and Literature from the University Cruzeiro do Sul, in São Paulo.

He has translated essays by Oscar Wilde (Pen, Pencil and Poison, The Decay of Lying, etc.) into Portuguese; translated, by Babelcube, Invaders from Mars: The Adventures of Joaquim and Eduardo, first part of the children and young people saga, by Michael Ruman, and Urban Mosaics, by Maurício R B Campos, into English; and has had the first formal contact with the Anglo-Irish Literature, especially the Irish Drama. Started MA post-graduation course in 2006, in the Program of Linguistic and Literary Studies in English, held by DLM-FFLCH-University of São Paulo, with guidance by Professor Munira H. Mutran.

He has written poetry and prose works in Portuguese and English, which have been published in the Internet ( and and several Poetry Collections with promise of more prose to be published into Portuguese and being translated into other languages.

Today, the author produces translation, version and proofreading in Portuguese and English, besides the studies of Science, philosophy and literature.


Uma tentativa de responder à questão de iniciação científica: "os instrumentos tecnológicos poderão alterar o significado de poeta e poesia?"
Livro diário em que o autor narra a vida de um tradutor, seu cotidiano, suas grandezas e misérias, de uma forma inusitada.
Oficina de Ficção aborda diversos aspectos da feitura do romance tradicional, numa linguagem direta, com exemplos de descrição, narração e dissertação, além de muito bom-humor.
Post Scriptum constitui crítica social contemporânea: é uma contribuição para o leitor que deseja conhecer uma parte do Brasil de hoje.
Autobiografia epistolar de uma personagem que se submete à psicanálise por mais de quinze anos e ainda acha pouco.
