J.A. Armitage (author)

I'm a USA Today bestselling author with over 200 books published over a number of pen names

J.a. armitage

J.A lives in a total fantasy world (because reality is boring right?) When she's not writing all the crazy fun in her head, she can be found eating cake, designing pretty pictures and hanging upside down from the tallest climbing frame in the local playground while her children look on in embarrassment. She's travelled the world working as everything from a banana picker in Australia to a Pantomime clown, has climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and the bottom of the Grand Canyon and once gave birth to a surrogate baby for a friend of hers.
She spends way too much time gossiping on facebook and if you want to be part of her Reading Army, where you'll get lots of freebies, exclusive sneak peeks and super secret sales, join up here

Somehow she finds time to write.

User links: Website Facebook Amazon


The start of a Fairytale retelling series
The second book in a fairytale series
You all know the story of your favorite fairytale, but did you ever wonder what happened after the fairytale ending?
You thought you knew the story of Cinderella... You were wrong.
Once the ruler of the kingdom of Silverwood, Queen Charmaine finds herself running as a fugitive from the only life she has ever known.
Lucky Charm is the second book in the Charm series, a reverse fairytale based on Cinderella by USA Today bestselling author J.A.Armitage. Take everything you think you know about fairytales and turn it on its head.
Welcome to the final round of The Faerie Race—an epic adventure through a realm as compelling as it is deadly…
Welcome to round two of The Faerie Race—an epic adventure through a realm as compelling as it is deadly…
Welcome to The Faerie Race—an epic adventure through a realm as compelling as it is deadly…
