Claudia Boon (author)

Claudia boon

Claudia Boon (1991) was born in Haarlem, the Netherlands. She now lives in Amsterdam with her husband. Together they have 2 cats and 2 rabbits.
From a young age, she was already engaged in writing short stories and drawing comics (manga). But since she got the world of Terram in her head, she wanted to write seriously and publish her stories. In her spare time, she likes to read fantasy and sci-fi. She occasionally watches series and plays games. She enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons and other board games with her friends. When the weather is nice, she likes to walk in nature.

In the summer of 2020, she made her debut with her first book in Dutch.

User links: Website Goodreads


Ya fantasy with dragons and magic
Ya fantasy with dragons and magic
Ya fantasy in a dystopian world
