Anna Fresu (author)

I am an Italian writer, theatre author, director and actress. I'm living in Mendoza, Argentina, where I'm working as a Professor of Italian Language and Culture at the University of Mendoza.

Anna fresu

I was born in Sardinia, Italy, in 1948. I moved to Rome in 1964 where I graduated in "Lettere e Filosofia" at the University "La Sapienza". I studied Theatre and Cinema at the University and at the “Teatro Studio”. I participated to the creation of "Spaziozero" theatre, where I worked as actress and performer, at the same time I joined the experiences of vanguard theatre at the Beat 72 with directors as Giuliano Vasilicò and Giorgio Marini. I worked as performer and author in the concerts and performances of jazz musicians as "Nuova Consonanza", Domenico Guaccero, Bruno Tommaso, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Jesus Villarojo, and the soprano Michico Hirayama... In 1975 I went to Portugal to collaborate as "cultural extensionist" in the creation of peasant cooperatives. In 1976 I move to Mozambique when I stayed till 1988 teaching and directing the National School of Theatre, realizing a lot of plays in the town and in villages , in schools, factories and asylums, with students, workers, peasants... From this experience and as a result of many anthropological and cultural investigations all over the country, I wrote with the Mozambican journalist Carlos Mendes de Oliveira "Pesquisas para o teatro popular en Mocambique" , (Investigations towards a popular theatre in Mozambique), published by Tempo Editora.. I created always with Mendes de Oliveira a “Departamento de Cinema para Crianças” at the “Instituto Nacional de Cinema” where we directed 5 movies, three of them winners of international awards (“Jogos e brincadeiras” and “O fogo” : Festival del Cinema di Giffoni Val Piana (Italy); a cartoon “As aventuras do Joven Taca”: Festival Internacional do cinema de Animação (Tavares, Portugal). In 1988 I came back to Rome where I published in magazines and review about politics, education, theatre and culture. I worked as teacher and directed theatre workshops in schools and colleges. I had been the president of my associations: “Il cerchio dell’Incontro”, an educational program aimed to Peace and Development  by theatre representations and workshops; and “Scritti d’Africa” to divulgate African literature and culture through seminary, writings, plays, performances…  In 1996 I went back to Mozambique with the RAI (Italian National Television) for a program about “meninos da rua” children soldiers and war victims. After finishing this job I stayed a few months in Maputo making a workshop in the “Cidadela da Criança” with street children. In Italy some of my poems and short-stories are published in anthologies such as  “"Voci nell'Aria- Antologia di Poesia Femminile (Exosphere PoesiArtEventi, Reggio Emilia 2014); “Lingua Madre 2007”, “Lingua Madre 2008”, “Lingua Madre 2009” (Torino, edizioni SEB ). I had in charge with the prestigious Italian writer Joyce Lussu the book “Voglio essere tamburo” (Centro Internazionale della Grafica, Venezia, 1991) for which I translated too from Portuguese to Italian the poems of the Mozambican poet José Craveirinha. In 2013, Vertigo Edizioni in Rome published my book of short-stories “Sguardi altrove”, that I presented in Rome on February 2014 and in Mendoza, Argentina in September 2014. We can find a  very good critics on “Le Monde Diplomatique”, march 2014, and on the on-line review El-Ghibli. In 2009 I move to Mendoza, Argentina where I’m working as a professor of Italian Language and Culture at the University of Mendoza. I’m still following my theatrical career as author, director and actress. I have a regular collaboration with the review El-ghibli where I publish every three months my short-stories. 

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L’altrove è tutto ciò che non conosciamo e che cerchiamo di capire, è ciò a cui tendiamo, ciò che ci aspetta all’angolo della strada; è il paese che non conosciamo, i volti che non conosciamo, ma che per un attimo attraversano le nostre vite...
