Adriana Zoudine (translator)


Freelance translator
A former engineer, nowadays living in Italy as a full time literary translator from Italian, English and Spanish to Portuguese, both public domain books and contemporaty literature.

Adriana zoudine

I was born in 1961 in São Paulo, Brazil and am of Italian and Russian heritage. I am an Italian citizen as well. 

From an early age I learned the value and appreciation of literature and the arts, and they quickly came to play a vital role in my life.

Starting with incessant drawing and painting, my passion soon led me into many studio art classes to learn ever more and varied techniques. Frequent forays to museums to see the masters were common, as were visits to galleries to see the new work being produced. Classes on art history, books about art, books about artists, books about technique, they all became necessities for my survival. Literary books have also been recurrent companions.

In 1984 I graduated from Polytechnic School of University of S. Paulo, becoming an engineer.

In 1996 I enrolled at Alcântara Machado School of Art and graduated in 1999. As an artist, I have participated at art exhibitions for my whole life.

In 2016 I began to study to become a translator: attended the Vocational Program for Literary Translators, followed by Literary Translation Improvement Program, both at Casa Guilherme de Almeida Literary Translation Studies Center. Since then, I have been taking part in many specialized courses and events in the area.

I had lived in that huge, energetic and quite chaotic city of São Paulo for most of my life, with the exception of some nice years in San Francisco, California, and Buenos Aires, and regular brief periods in Italy.

Being a great admirer of Italian culture, specially literature, cinema, architecture and fine arts, living in Italy had always been a dream of mine that I could finally  accomplish. Therefore I chose Mantua and finaly mooved to italy.

I love animals, a good red wine and chocolate. And I also love to travel as frequently as possible for both heart and mind.

Books translated (contemporary and public domain):
Ai piedi del David (2012), by Rossella Scatamburlo
Racconti Sardi (1894), by Grazia Deledda
Le avventure di Pinocchio (1883), by Carlo Collodi
In Prima Persona Singolare (2007), by Cristiana Pivari
Anne of Green Gables (1908), by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Le forme del buio (2014), by Rossella Scatamburlo
Short stories:
Xingu (1916), by Edith Wharton
Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte ((1917), by Horacio Quiroga


Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English, Spanish, Italian
Translates into: Portuguese

User links: LinkedIn

Books fully translated by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Author review:
Una traduzione eccellente e un'ottima revisione. Un lavoro fatto con serietà e dedizione.
Main translator
Not provided
Main translator
Author review:
Il lavoro fatto dalle due traduttrici è ottimo, eseguito con cura e attenzione ai dettagli.
Main translator
Author review:
Non posso che elogiare la grande abilità e dedizione di Adriana Zoudine, che ha tradotto il mio libro dall'italiano al portoghese-brasiliano, catturando anche le sfumature del testo originale e restituendole in modo fluente nella lingua target, preservando l'essenza e l'integrità del mio lavoro originale. Le sue comunicazioni sono sempre state chiare, tempestive e cordiali, il che ha reso il processo di traduzione un'esperienza piacevole e senza stress.
La traduzione, fra l'altro, è stata completata in anticipo rispetto le scadenze concordate.
Grazie mille.

Canceled translations by this user:

TitleTranslate intoRoleRating
Main translator
Not provided
