Who Is He? The Black Hoax: An Identity Crises by Taylor Storm

Mindy discovers who she really is and why she was sent to earth, and what leads to her capture.

Who is he?  the black hoax:  an identity crises

Sally and Mindy, both real estate agents, drove around the mall parking lot, looking for Mindy’s car that Mindy had parked there several hours earlier, but it was nowhere to be found.  Mindy was getting angry as she realized that the people who stole her car could now find where she lives, through the insurance information left in the car.  She also left some real estate files in the car.  She worried about what they would do next.

The party they were invited to at  877 Maryville was strange.  Two women insisted on parking Sally and Mindy’s car, and after the party, the car was nowhere to be found.

A couple driving what looked like a cross between a dune buggy and a Jeep with huge tires and a ladder to get in, pick them up.  They are on a wild goose chase.  Later Mindy discovers who she really is and why she was sent to earth, and what leads to her capture.  A great sci-fi story.

This is the 6th book in the series.

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

Language: English


Word Count: 54,308

Sample text:

When she opened her eyes again, she was still looking into his face.  She wished that her mind would give way and that she would pass out gain, but her brain stayed alive.  It was hard for her to fathom why her father was standing in front of her with blue-green skin and blazing blue eyes.  It was hard for her to even look at him like that, much less understand.

“Dad..?  Is that really you?” asked Mindy, her voice shaking a little.

“Yes, my sweet child.  It is your father and pretty soon this will all make sense,” he answered.

“What happened to your eyes…to your skin?  Why are you with these…these…these things?”  Mindy looked at her father in panic; there was something horrifically wrong here.  Why did he now look like one of them?

“These are not things, Mindy,” her father answered.  “These are your family.  We are called Magents and we come from the dark planet of Egron.  You are a Magent too, Mindy.  You were created to adapt to this environment called Earth so that through you, we could learn to adapt to it as well.”

“I was created?” asked Mindy with a confused look.

“You were conceived naturally.  I mated with your human mother to create you.  Your brother is a full Magent with a Magent mother who you’ve already met.”

He motioned to the creature that had been Elizabeth.  Elizabeth changed her face to human form for a few seconds so that Mindy would recognize that it was her, before changing back to her toad-like self.

Mindy couldn’t decide which one looked better, as both versions of Elizabeth were equally ugly in her mind.  Both just as nasty.  What mystified her even more was the fact that her kind-hearted brother was a product of this evil woman standing before her.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Felipe Pacheco de Lima Oliveira
Already translated. Translated by Jose Canton

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
