Trial by Terror by Kenneth Eade

Homophobia turns deadly when a serial killer strikes

Trial by terror

Lawyer Brent Marks advocates a case for a gay couple's marriage. After victory, the couple is found in their home brutally murdered, serial killer style. Can Brent bring himself to defend the only suspect in the case? Where ethics and tolerance collide, Brent must solve the murders to form a viable defense.

Critical Praise

"Kenneth Eade is one of our strongest thriller writers on the scene and the fact that he draws his stories from the contemporary philosophical landscape is very much to his credit." Grady Harp, Amazon Hall of Fame, Top 100 and Vine Voice

"Absolute Intolerance is packed with delightful twists and turns, but its real surprise lies in an unexpected conclusion that neatly sums up events without a predictable path being taken. This makes for a gem of a read for courtroom drama and mystery fans used to the clues adding up to one direction. Without spilling beans, suffice it to say that Absolute Intolerance remains thought-provoking from start to finish, and is a winning story fueled by issues of religious and gay civil freedoms alike."Midwest Book Review

Genre: FICTION / Thrillers

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Legal

Language: English

Keywords: legal thriller

Word Count: 50,697

Sales info:

#3 on legal thrillers hot new release list since Dec. 13th launch.  #32 in legal thrillers, #5 in pulp thrillers

Sample text:

     Susan began to shake.  “Jim?  Ron?  Are you here?”

     In a panic, she ran into the living room, inhaled to call out their names one more time, and exhaled a shriek as she dropped her bags.  In front of her were two bodies.  At first, they looked like mannequins dipped in oil and then wet red paint.  They were unclothed and arranged in a Yin Yang position on the floor, surrounded by a large pool of blood, and had been placed in front of the panoramic window from which you could see out across the back garden and pool, through the city of Santa Barbara nestled in the valley, and all the way out to the sea.  Out there the hustle and bustle, the dreams and disappointments of life, continued.  In here, it had stopped. 

     Susan strained to make out their faces and she tried to come closer, but she couldn’t.  There were bloody gashes in the bodies.  She couldn’t tell which was Ron or which was Jim.  Oh, dear God! It has to be them!  Her eyes blurred from the tears, cascading mascara down her cheeks.  The two bodies had to be those of Jim and Ron and they were also obviously dead. 

     Susan’s knees went weak and her legs shook.  She felt like falling, but had the urge to run at the same time – just get out of there.  The shock and grief were overwhelming; but more powerful than that was her urge to flee.  Is the killer still in the house?  She didn’t wait to find out.  Instead, she turned and ran, leaving the bags where she had dropped them and taking only her purse, which was still hanging on her elbow.  She would call 9-1-1 as soon as she was as far away from the cottage as possible.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Leandro Camargo Padilha
Already translated. Translated by Alejandra Gutierrez

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
