To the Krampus a Daughter by R. S. Pyne

A short story for the festive season - science fiction twist on The Krampus

To the krampus a daughter

The Krampus is coming to town! He still takes naughty list duties very seriously even in the technology driven future. One horrible boy will not be around on December 7th but has had all year to change. Krampus will have to face up to his responsibilities but is the Christmas demon ready to become a father figure? This is a 3000 word short story for the festive season.


The book received a five star review in December 2016: "“A charming take on Krampus, his duties, and how he views the world. Had me giggling from start to finish!"

Genre: FICTION / Short Stories (single author)

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Humorous

Language: English

Keywords: Christmas, Krampus , Festive short story, seasonal tale

Word Count: 3000

Sales info:

'To the Krampus a Daughter' is a very seasonal book so a ranking in early August 2017 does not reflect future sales - this was only published as a kindle ebook in mid-November 2016 and it sold steadily until early January. I would expect a similar pattern this year but also have a better marketing strategy in place to increase sales. This marketing strategy includes translation into other languages.

Sample text:

Hel’s most festive son waited until not a creature stirred in the residence pod and let himself in, dropping the traditional bundle of birch twigs on the hearth as a calling card. Compliments of the season – a time of peace and goodwill to all forms of life that deserved it. A heavily armed security unit challenged the intruder, raising a lethal force death ray by way of a greeting. He raised one clawed hand in response and sent the unit back into sleep mode. Pausing, he straightened the ruten to a perfect right angle for attention to detail had always been his style. Anyone who called him obsessive compulsive would not live long enough to regret it. He did not hold Chief Companion’s rank for nothing, whatever the do-gooders back at headquarters said. Earlier that night, he had taken part in the annual fancy dress run in his honor, outraged to be voted third in the contest for best costume.

Looking out of the window, he saw his assistants lounging in a doorway while he did all the work. Their spreading antlers glittered with a jeweled myriad of wind blown snowflakes; black smoke clouds advertised their presence more effectively than if they had shouted. They gave him the thumbs-up sign and an encouraging leer. The Schabmänner twins had always been loyal. Klaus and Otto would never stab him in the back. Styrian lesser demons were no nonsense, straight talking fiends who enjoyed their work with no time for office politics. He got the job done by old fashioned methods, even in a world where Christmas had been replaced by Winter-Fest and man travelled to the stars. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Marie-Pier Deshaies
Translation in progress. Translated by Dr. Pragya Shukla
Already translated. Translated by Susana Bernardes
Translation in progress. Translated by Facundo Pagano

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
