Time Management Made Stupidly Easy by Michael R. Clarke

The Ultimate Time Management Book (for People Who Don't Have Time To Read)

Time management made stupidly easy

Don't Have Time to Read a Time-Management Book?

Want to learn the shortctus and strategies to (finally) boosting your productivity and mastering your time? 

Want to know the ninja hacks to getting more done, in less time, without losing your frickin' mind?

Desperate to find that effective, stress-free, kick-ass version inside you dying to get out?

You've come to the right place!

In "Time Management Made (Stupidly) Easy" you'll learn: 

*How to Hack Your Brain for Maximum Awesomeness

*How to Prioritize and (Plan) Like a Boss!

*How to Delegate All the Important Crap (You Don't Want to Do)

*How to Be Organized (Even If You're a Slob)

*And so much more!

Each chapter includes easy-to-follow action steps to help you boost your Time-Management IQ - without taking some boring time management seminar at your local junior college. 

So, why not begin your quest toward ultimate time-management awesomeness...today!)

Genre: SELF-HELP / Time Management

Secondary Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Time Management

Language: English


Word Count: 20333

Sales info:

Just published in the U.S. (But we're hopeful!)

Sample text:

You don’t have TIME to read this book.

I mean it. Anybody who NEEDS to read a time-management book doesn’t have time to sit down and READ a time management book. (Those six seasons of “Game of Thrones” aren’t going to watch themselves.)

So, with that, I’m gonna save you the time of reading this tome from cover-to-cover, and give you the core message of the book in one simple digestible chunk.


Don’t sleep. 

If you can somehow NOT sleep, ever again, you’ll be able to get EVERYTHING you need to get done. 

Forget the “extra 2 hours” a day most time-management guides promise. (With my method you can literally get an extra seven or eight hours a day of productive work.)

Yes, you may spend a portion of your day wandering around like the “Walking Dead.” Yes, you might experience a “few” schizophrenic hallucinations and start to believe the barista at your local Starbucks is a werewolf. (You never know.)

But with a palette of 12-Hour Energy Drinks — and the resolve of a champion — I’m certain you can boost your productivity and cross off 300% more items on your to-do list.

And yet, before you jump into a pool of high-octane beverages, there’s a SLIGHT chance getting more done may not be the solution.

But read a chapter or two and see if this (somewhat) different approach to time management might help in some way. Because, trust me, if somebody as lazy, unmotivated, ADD-distracted, insecure — and thoroughly unprepared for life — as ME can “figure out” time management…you can too. (Won’t even require a single five-shot latte.)


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Elena Holler

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
