Time Management: 10 Ways to Increase Productivity and Change Your Daily Habits by John Walsh

Discover common myths about time management

Time management: 10 ways to increase productivity and change your daily habits


Multiply your productivity in the next few days and leave your friends and co workers in disbelief at your new lease of life?
Create more free time in your busy schedule to pursue meaningful activities that have been pushed to one side over and over in the past?
Set effective goals that naturally motivate you, eliminate distraction and let you emerge victorious in the war against procrastination?

At some point in the past you were confident of staying on top of all your commitments. All you had to do was keep working hard.

Now, by choice or circumstance, you are doing the job of more than one person. Each day you face more information than your grandparents saw in a month.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: time management, time management for busy people, time management for women, time management productivity, small business, time management system, procrastination, productivity

Word Count: 11731

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Sample text:

Before the end of this chapter I want to give you a task: make a graph of your daily productivity. Each week, take a tracking test to manage your alertness. Every time you register, rise up against your target and determine your energy level; continue to track your performance every hour. Please note that the energy level varies throughout the day, and you should continue to record it until you go to sleep.

So you will earn double documentation – the time when you get up and when you sleep on average every day as well as your energy level during the golden hours in front of your keystrokes.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Joana Sousa
Translation in progress. Translated by Diana Bonilla

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