The WILD Way To Lucid Dreaming by slider (real name Brian Aherne)

Lucid Dreaming On Demand

A new revolutionary book on lucid dreaming involving the WILDs method.

The wild way to lucid dreaming

Millions of people the world-over are beginning to become avidly interested in lucid dreaming, mostly the 'Dreaming-Induced' version (DILD) as opposed to the 'Waking-Induced' version (WILD). The latter being by far the least explored approach, one that is now set to rekindle people's interest in the whole subject and also bring the greater public into it due to the comparitive ease with which this method works compared to all other methods to date.

This book has also been awarded a 5-Star review from Mary Bowers for 'Readers Favourites':

A collection of Amazon reader reviews has also been placed on my website here, including Mary's one:

This is literally the first stand-alone comprehensive book for the Waking-Induced method of lucid dreaming, and thus is, am sure, set to become 'the' reference material for WILDs at some point in its future.

In my humble opinion, this is an important work that clearly stands out in the crowd.The first of its kind dedicated to WILDs & WILDing and to exploring/defining lucid dreaming from the WILDs point of view.

Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Dreams

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / New Thought

Language: English

Keywords: lucid dreaming, WILDs, Waking Induced lucid dreaming, Dreams, dreaming

Word Count: 41,000

Sales info:

This book is written clearly and simply in a way so anyone can understand it, and has already sold 352 copies via Amazon and my own website worldwide via word of mouth alone at the time of writing; including sales to; India, Mexico, Israel, Canada, the US, the UK & many other countries in Europe, including: France, Germany, Italy & Ireland!

It is also currently being translated into Spanish, French, Italian & Portuguese (the last 2 via Babelcube, the former 2 privately) so offers for other languages are still very welcome, particularly that of Chinese & Japanese.


Sample text:

I struggled for years trying to use the traditional ‘dream-initiated’ method of lucid dreaming with, I might add, very little success and quite a lot of frustration. This was mainly because I seemed to spend more time thinking and planning lucid dreaming, than actually accomplishing it.

Anyway, I didn’t set out to try other, alternative methods, rather it was a pure chance event that grew out of my sheer boredom of waiting for something (anything!) to happen using the usual Dream-Induced Lucid Dreaming (DILD) process, that led me to discover something that I only later learned was called Waking-Induced Lucid Dreaming (WILD).

Now for some reason totally unknown to me, between the two most basic methods of lucid dreaming available; ‘Dream-Induced’ and ‘Waking-Induced’, the WILD way is considered to be the more difficult of the two. Its practitioners are held in seemingly high esteem by those in dreaming circles who profess to be ‘in-the-know’, although I honestly don’t know why, because experience has proven to me that the complete reverse is true.

For example, with DILDs one literally attempts to train oneself to fall asleep as per usual and to then wake up, later on, in an actual dream. An almost impossible thing to do! And yet, amazingly, people do manage to accomplish lucid dreaming in this manner, albeit with great difficulty and, in many cases, a growing sense of frustration. Not to mention having to put up in the meantime with all the mystique and cult-like mumbo-jumbo that typically surrounds the whole subject like an obscuring fog, mainly because absolutely nothing about DILDs is straightforward.

With WILDs, however, the complete opposite is true, in that with very little practice, one can learn to quite easily enter into a variety of lucid dreaming states, at will and on demand!

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Andrea Giampaoli
Already translated. Translated by Luísa Flach

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
