The Pursuit of a Duchess by Linda Rae Sande

A young suitor with his eyes on a forbidden love... and an old feud that threatens to tear them apart.

The pursuit of a duchess

Locked in a secret romance with the stunning Lady Amelia, Philip, the Earl of Crawford is determined to win her hand in marriage... but if her pompous brother Alfred catches wind, he fears their old University feud will shatter their chance at love.

Michael is no stranger to heartbreak – and he’s dead set on not letting his son Philip experience the same pain. But the reclusive widower’s mission to save their courtship brings him face-to-face with a long-lost love – the Duchess Helena, Lady Amelia’s mother. Can they rekindle their spark after three decades apart? And will Helena ever approve of her daughter’s secretive suitor?

Meanwhile, Philip’s sister Violet hatches a plan to draw both families together. She catches the eye of Helena’s son Alfred – but what begins as a fake courtship quickly begins to become all too real. Is she willing to sacrifice the future for her brother and best friend? Or are these two families fated to remain apart?

Beautifully written as a scintillating Victorian romance novel that charms your heartstrings with themes of forbidden romance and second chance love, The Pursuit of a Duchess transports you into the enchanting world of 19th-century aristocratic society, complete with authentic historical detail and unforgettable characters. Scroll up and grab your copy now...

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Historical / Victorian

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Regency

Language: English

Keywords: Victorian romance, forbidden love, fake courtship, second chance love, mature love, British aristocracy, feud, widower, widow, duke, duchess, earl, marquess

Word Count: 70,000

Sales info:

Book is available for preorder for release April 21, but early reviews are all 5 stars. 

Sample text:

A sense of dread had been building in Michael, Lord Crawford, from the moment he entered the huge mansion owned by the Woodleigh dukedom. Although he was sure he wasn’t late, his chronometer had stopped at exactly one o’clock, and no matter what he tried, the timepiece would not restart.

“His Grace, the Duke of Woodleigh, will see you now,” the portly butler said when he reappeared from wherever he had gone more than ten minutes earlier. With his pocket watch out of commission, Michael couldn’t be sure that much time had passed, but it certainly felt far longer.

He followed the servant past several closed doors to one that stood open to reveal a dark paneled study. With its coffered ceiling above and Turkish carpeting below, it reminded Michael of his banker’s office—stuffy, pretentious, and smelling of cheroot smoke. The man sitting behind the gigantic ebony desk even looked as if he could be a banker.

“You must be Crawford?”

“I am, Your Grace,” he acknowledged, bowing deeply.

“My butler tells me we had an appointment.” Bertram, Duke of Woodleigh, waved to a wooden chair in front of his desk. “Have a seat.”

The manner in which the words were spoken had Michael on alert. The footman tasked with sending word of his desire for a meeting had said the duke would see him. 

Had the servant been mistaken? 

“I sent a request earlier this morning, Your Grace. The reply said you could meet me at two o’clock.”

The older man waved a hand, not bothering to look up from whatever had his attention. “Yes, yes. What’s this about?”

His hands pressed onto the tops of his doeskin-encased thighs, Michael said, “Your daughter, Your Grace. I’d like your permission to court her.”

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Jenny Riemer
Already translated. Translated by Tânia Nezio
Translation in progress. Translated by Jorge Ledezma

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
