The How to Pray Book Manuscripts by Carley R. Lester

The Complete Family Guide on Prayers, 3 Books in 1

Learn how to pray for everyone

The how to pray book manuscripts

"The How to Pray Book Manuscripts" is written to bring about the development and habit of praying in everyone; from the new converts to Christianity and to those thoroughly grounded in the way of life of Christ. Prayer in itself is not rocket science; it is a conversation between a child and the Father. Carley R. Lester has opened up the world of prayer to you to enable you to bask in this most beautiful experience of teaching your children on how to pray and also for you as an individual to build your prayer life.

This book is a collection of great works on building an enjoyable and wholesome relationship with God through prayers, and it is firmly grounded on the fact that Christ told us to pray always without ceasing. This urging by our Lord has not come to fruition in a lot of us because when we do pray, we fall by the wayside because we let a lot of external factors determine why we pray, how we pray and for how long we pray. We get burdened by our troubles and stop talking to God because He hasn't answered our prayers; we lose faith and hence the continuous tribulations that a lot of us face. 

This book offers you a guide on taking charge of all these problems and much more. You will learn how to build yourself and most importantly, impacting these qualities and carrying along your loved ones along on the journey. Talking to God with what you learn in this book will become more constructive, and you will never run out of things to say in whatever environment you find yourself.

It is in our nature to get easily distracted and deal with one task at a time, hence the reason for the difficulty in communing with God during our daily activities. Fear not as you will discover ways on how to fully incorporate prayers into your daily routine. These 3 Books in 1 will show you how to pray to God and follow His rules for you to bask and rejoice in His presence all your life. 

Genre: RELIGION / General

Secondary Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / General

Language: English

Keywords: How to Pray the scriptures for your children, The power of prayers in your family, Praying and fasting for your children, Talking to God and hearing the voice of God, discerning the voice of God hearing obeying, The powers of a praying family

Word Count: 30,188

Sample text:


When you go through your Bible, most especially the New Testament, you will discover that folks who asked for favors or blessings from Jesus Christ went straight to the point and did not complicate it. They made simple requests. You will come across phrases like "Jesus save me!", "Lord have mercy on me!". Such words were spoken with so much passion and believe that Jesus Christ will put an end to the torment they are going through. That firm believe passed the message across and Jesus Christ most time replied by asking what could He do for them. He attended to the needs of those needing His help in the Bible, so He is also available in today to take care of you and your children. So what are you teaching your children to ask from God? Are they appropriate and needed? Even you as an authority figure need to understand that prayers are not like coins that you slot into a machine and get chocolate bars immediately or a magic wand that you wave and get almost instant results. Sometimes what you ask from God will not get immediate results. This does not mean that God has not heard your prayers, He will respond in His own good time which may be quick, later or when other conditions are met. God is a loving father who always looks out for the best for His children. Just like a parent, you do not give your children all they ask for after weighing the options because your child may not need that substance there and then or it may bring about harm to the child.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Alexandra Gonçalves
Already translated. Translated by Patricia Morales

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