The Golden City Captives by Julie C. Gilbert

A boy and his friend are captured because they have magic within them.

The golden city captives

Captured. Sold. Enslaved. Displayed.

Keio’s dream of seeing the Golden City turns into a nightmare. He and his friend, Clara, get swept up by Fire Fairies along with the other youths in their village. They’re quickly sold to the local lord.

The man seeks something very special that only certain young people possess, and he’s willing to threaten anyone to get it. But his daughter has other plans.

Like it or not, Keio and Clara land in the middle of a brewing war. They’re going to have to pick a side soon, and if they choose wrong, their lives aren’t the only ones forfeit.


This is a standalone short fantasy story. Tip: Grab the cheap ebook and add in the audiobook for a nice discount.
If you're looking for something more epic, try the Anotech Chronicles. Book 1 in that series is Reshner's Royal Ranger.

Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Fairy Tales & Folklore / General

Secondary Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Classics

Language: English

Keywords: captives, fantasy, fairies, shapeshifters

Word Count: 10235

Sales info:

This book is free in English for the moment. It will be a graphic novel in the next year or so. There will not be a paperback version. It's too short.

It's technically children's fantasy, but I couldn't find that on the list of categories.

Sample text:

The fireflies swept down the hill in a gorgeous, undulating wave until the whole forest above the village of Stillwater appeared to be on fire. Up and down the dirt-covered street, people stuck their heads out of doors and windows, transfixed by the sight. The golden stream flowed closer by the second, heightening the anticipation.

Legends, promises, and prophecies filled every mind in a jumble of excitement. Keio wondered what the gods had in store this time. The People of Light—the Gantari—had finally decided to choose their champions.

Every youth secretly hoped he or she might be one of the lucky few to experience the wonders of the Golden City, where people didn’t go hungry and the streets shimmered with gemstones. Keio tried to picture his mother in the soft silks city women supposedly wore. He imagined working for a wealthy prince, maybe tending his horses or feeding his sheep. If he was good, the prince might sponsor him, so he could earn a commission in the king’s army or apprentice to a blacksmith or pick up some other respectable trade.

The strongest, bravest, and most beautiful of the youths raced into the street, puffed out their chests, and waited for the fireflies to inspect them. Keio longed to go with them, but a glance back at Mother doused his daydreams. Her expression made no sense. It mixed terror and heartbreak. He’d only seen an expression like that one other time in his life: the day the village watchmen brought back his father’s body and left it across the doorway of their one-room home.

Keio didn’t want to think about that time. He turned back to the commotion on the streets.

The lights zipped around Carmichael and Bree before moving on to Jorash and Kaim. Some of the lights stayed near them but most moved on. His friend, Clara Mills, waved from next door before a large hand pulled her back through the window.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Lia Garcia

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
