The Forever Man - Book 2: AXE MAN by Craig Zerf

Post Apocalyptic Fantasy suitable for Adults and YA

The forever man - book 2: axe man

The world, as we know it, has ended.
One man stands resolute. A man who has been trained in the savage arts of war. A man who lives his life according to a creed. A simple man who wants none of the power thrust upon him. This man is Marine Sergeant Nathaniel Hogan, seconded to the American Embassy in London and, although he does not know it, he is – The Forever Man.
The first pulse occurred in the old calendar year of 2022. A sequence of gigantic solar flares created a series of massive electromagnetic pulses that stopped the heart of our modern world and returned us to the DARK AGES.
Tens of thousands died within the first few hours as airplanes fell from the skies, hospitals ceased to work and every form of modern transportation ground to a halt.
Within days the death toll had reached the hundreds of thousands. Fires raged unchecked through the cities, water supplies ran out and survivors turn on each other as mob rule surpassed all else.
And Nathaniel finds that he has been changed by the huge amounts of Gamma radiation in the solar flares. They have enhanced his natural abilities, giving him increased speed, strength and healing. Indefinitely extended his life span and enabling him to be able to draw on the power of the solar flares to create magik.
But even The Forever Man was not prepared for what happened next, as the ongoing flares tore a hole in time and space, creating a gateway through which ‘they’ appeared. From the realms of fantasy came the orcs, the goblins and, leading them all – the Fair Folk.
Were they here to help – or to conquer?

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Epic

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Thrillers

Language: English


Word Count: 52000

Sales info:

This is the follow on to Book 1. Sales are climbing on a weekly basis and the series is starting to do very well.

Sample text:

Toilet paper. Twin ply. Super soft.

Nathaniel grinned to himself. 

And coffee. Made with a machine. By a barista. Strong, bitter, honest to God coffee.

Thousands of years of human endeavor. Countless millions of man-hours of invention had been wiped out by the pulse. Computers. Space travel. Brain surgery. And what did The Forever Man miss the most? Something soft to wipe his ass with and a mildly addictive hot beverage made from the roasted seeds of the Rubiaceae bush.

Nathaniel’s horse stumbled slightly. Weary from the days’ riding. Snow crunched like broken glass beneath its hooves. The air resonant with the fragrance of pine resin and ozone overlaid by the subtle steel smell of newly minted snow. Gusts of wind shivered the trees, shaking clumps of white from their laden boughs. A giant baker dusting the land with icing sugar. Breath steamed from his open mouth in clouds of condensate, leeching the warmth from his core. Puff the magic dragon.

Winter had come across the land with a speed that baffled all. And it was the harshest winter in living memory. Nathaniel had heard theories that the unprecedented level of cold was brought about by the fact that there were no longer any factories left in the world. Nor heating of any sort. The cattle population had been decimated and there were no cars to fill the atmosphere with carbon monoxide. Global cooling had become a reality.

It had been over three months now since the first electromagnetic pulse had struck the earth. Destroying all electronic and electrical equipment in an orgy of solar destruction. And the pulses had continued on a daily basis, apparent by the almost constant glow of the Aurora Borealis, or Northern lights, in the sky, caused by the massive amounts of gamma radiation in the atmosphere.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Cécile Bénédic
Author review:
Brilliant as always. Accurate and true to the original feeling of the novel. Excellent!
Already translated. Translated by Àlex Rourera
Author review:
BRILLIANT... I cannot recommend highly enough! Punctual, precise and accurate with a great feel for the story.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
